after watching

Dominique 2022-04-23 07:01:01

The opening chapter is full of wars. Some people have injured their arms and heads, but they are still fighting. The medical staff are shuttled through the trenches. A wounded "priority treatment" said the next second that he had lost his breath... Just a few minutes in the beginning made me feel that life is so strong and fragile. Even if there is no heavy-handed attempt to express anything at the beginning, the facts are presented to us just like that. The brothers of the Ryan family fell on the battlefield one after another, and the military officers read Lincoln's letter like that, and the tears could not stop. Stream... Country and Life

When the seven people formed a team and set off, they lost a teammate. I remember that when the camera switched to the German sniper, the sniper couldn't bear to fire again after knocking down the teammate. After moving the scope several times Knocked down by a teammate sniper. To be honest, the words that the sniper always said before the sniper was very reassuring. I always felt that the Lord would bless him. War is ruthless, but people are affectionate.

Speaking of which, I really have to complain about Urban. After they defeated a small German stronghold together, they captured a live German enemy, but also lost a teammate... Captain, they decided to kill This hateful German, but this, oh, the good fellow Urban came out and said, "This is against the military order", and the captain of my door finally changed his mind and decided to let the prisoner go, hey. The disjointed squad here had a quarrel over the captain's decision. One of the teammates decided to leave the team and give up the mission. The other teammate's words impressed me, "You are violating the military order like this, he is your captain. You have to listen to him." Even in this chaotic battlefield, in the 7-man squad, they still followed the military regulations with their own attitude. When the medic teammate died, one of the teammates took his letter out of his pocket and put it in his pocket. Even if it is a halfway team, it still protects the friendship on the battlefield in its own way.

They finally found Ryan. Ryan is a good soldier, and in the face of a war with little hope, he still wants to stay with his comrades. Even in such a cruel environment, kindness and loyalty are still in nature ❤.

War may be so depressing, but they also make innocuous jokes. When the German soldiers invaded, my favorite sniper and another teammate were hit by a cannon in the tower. When the sniper found that the cannon was aimed at them, he didn't think about running away, but shouted the name of the teammate next to him. , tell him to get down... lord

Urban, Urban. The name is remembered not only because he was annoying on the show, but because he was the one who called the name the most times by his teammates. Well, he's in charge of delivering bullets to his teammates. Oh, he didn't even finish this task. Only on the first floor, he knew that his teammates and a German were fighting inside, but he cowered in the corridor and didn't dare to move forward. Oh, where are your great military regulations? Is he teaching you? Shan didn't call you when the enemy took prisoner, save your teammates in danger. But just because the warriors on the battlefield are not all brave and fearless, it is understandable to be cowardly and afraid, but most people have suppressed their fear and chose to be brave.

Captain, just captain. When he was about to die, he still insisted on going to the bridge, shooting the slowly approaching tanks one after another. Don't give up even at the last moment of your life. I think we face the difficulties in life, and don’t be afraid that only by rushing forward will we have the opportunity to change the predicament. don't give up ❤

American bombers came and saved the bridge, and the captain read Lincoln's letter for Ryan as he died. At this moment, this letter is no longer pale and powerless, he carries the lives of many people. country and military.

Urban, the ghost son, had bullets hanging from his neck that hadn't been sent to his teammates who were short of ammunition, and stopped a group of Germans, oh, and the Germans he rescued at that time. This time, he chose to shoot the Germans. Ah.

Peace is precious, precious.

Every soldier who gave his life for peace.

History will always remember you.

We will also be strong and never give up to face every difficulty in life.

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Saving Private Ryan quotes

  • [Arguing about whether or not to attack the radio nest]

    Mellish: I'm just saying, this seems like an unnecessary risk considering our objective, sir.

    Captain Miller: Our objective is to win the war.

  • Captain Miller: Keep the sand out of your weapons. Keep those actions clear. I'll see you on the beach.