Love is a superstition of the right time and place

Alfredo 2021-10-13 13:05:42

Phil, the weather announcer who went to Punxatawney to report on Groundhog Day, found himself in a vicious circle. At 6 o'clock in the morning on February 2, the alarm clock rang. He woke up, the radio broadcasted the weather forecast, and someone greeted him when he went out. The old woman in the bar asked him what breakfast he had, and he encountered a difficult "old friend" on the street selling insurance. , The beautiful female colleague is still close to him, and the much-anticipated groundhog sees its own shadow.

The second day, the third day, and the fourth day thereafter were just a copy of all this. At 6 o'clock in the morning, the alarm clock went off. It was still February 2. The groundhog still saw his shadow. According to tradition, this shows that the weather will be bad for the next six weeks and winter will continue.

So he understood that his life had been adapted into an RPG, which was automatically saved at 6 am on February 2nd, and then read automatically at midnight on February 2nd.

In the first few days, he was also upset. Then, he understood how the game was played. Because there will always be S/L Dafa (although he can't choose by himself for saving inventory), he will never have to bear the consequences of his actions. Crime, free. Kill, free. Suicide, another hero the next morning. However, no matter how fun the game is, he is a physical person after all, not an RPG protagonist. He wanted to press the ESC key to quit, or ALT+F4 to force it to end, but the great game that God lowered to him insensibly, stipulated that he could only use his own technology to pass the level honestly.

He slowly discovered that it was his ultimate task to win her heart in these ten hours. As long as you reach it, you can pass the level.

He loves, so he is.

So, the theme of the game changed to, how can her heart win?

Phil tried various methods. However, love is so delicate and complicated, and people are so clumsy and unfortunate. After countless slaps and curses, he failed again and again only three centimeters away from her beautiful lips.

You can say that Phil is indomitable, or you can say that he has no choice. But he finally embarked on the third path: learning from Lei Feng. Because he knew everything that was going to happen every minute or even every second on February 2nd, he was like a god. He always happened to arrive when the child was about to fall from the tree. He was always there. The old woman "coincidentally" was there when she needed to cross the road. In addition to helping others, he enthusiastically delves into various cultural knowledge, such as piano, saxophone, poetry, dance, kissing skills, love hotel reservation phone and so on. The hour hand did not go, but he accumulated day by day, and finally built himself into a magnificent middle-aged literary and artistic middle-aged person, a red flag bearer who is red and professional in all walks of life.

He succeeded. His female colleague Rita finally expressed her heart, Luo Shan half untied. A character with "complete morality", you can say that Rita likes this type, or you can say that the director appreciates this type. In short, the director ended Phil's time dilemma with the realization of a certain personal value and dispelled the illusion. Any explanation. Men won everything, women won love, and the movie came to a happy ending.

In fact, within the time dilemma, Phil is mainly faced with a moral dilemma. Ordinarily, when a person can freely choose the path of good or evil according to his inner ethics, instead of being forced to choose one of them, his being good or evil is true and reasonable. But don’t forget, the story presets a “time limit”, even if he grabs the wealth of his family, he can only enjoy at most ten hours. The story also hides a "task", that is to get Rita's love, and Rita is not an ordinary woman, money can not move her heart. Even if he is like an angel, he can't be aware of any hobbies and caress about her. However, he must not, if he cannot, he will still be thrown on the cold bed by God the next morning, "with no loving in his soul, and no money in his coat".

Here, the evildoer will not fall into hell, and the benevolent will not be able to touch heaven. However, doing good will eventually make him achieve what he wants and get rid of this eternal reincarnation. In short, he still cannot bear his ethical choices.

He is still moisturizing God's dry lips, a clockwork orange.

If perfect morality is the essence of life, I can't believe it. First, modern people are faced with more moral dilemmas, and practicing good behavior has become a difficult task, because the realization of one kind of kindness will often lead to the consequences of another kind of kindness, and morality cannot be completed. Second, modern people are subject to more complex social structures and ethical relationships, and they will always encounter moral accidents in the universalization of moral discipline. They are becoming more and more powerless in the face of good and evil choices, so they feel comfortable. It is more ethical to replace the moral laws imposed by society. Phil's good deeds always warm the world, dripping water, just because he is the prophet of this small town, he knows all about the cause and effect.

It is even more absurd to say that perfect morality is the essence of love. Love belongs to two people, and Lei Feng belongs to everyone. It is difficult to reconcile the closed morality of love and the morality of universal love for the sake of all together. What's more, there are more and more people in the world. There are mountains outside the mountains, and there is a new Lei Feng outside Lei Feng. Liu Xiaofeng said: "A woman is looking for the best or her favorite man in the world to be her husband. She can only believe that the man she met and chose is the best or her favorite man in the world...and In fact, there is always the possibility of a better man or a man she likes in this world." Modern people can see extremely idealized images of partners on TV and movies at any time, and this does not affect them deeply. Love someone who is far from these images. We have to admit that pure love has nothing to do with personal capital including moral character. It is triggered only because you have memories that belong to two people and moments of heart that cannot be copied. These personal blissful experiences are any star and Saints cannot be replaced.

Therefore, rather than personal qualities, I would rather believe that fate is more important. Modern people don't believe in destined marriage, and leave it to the personality temperament of two people to find it slowly, slowly grind, and slowly frustrate, making love more difficult. Morality can be cultivated, fate cannot be cultivated. Reality always overrides people's thoughts and calculations, which also makes fate more precious. But Phil has almost 100% fate—God didn’t let him repeat the day when he was young in the cradle waiting to be nurtured, nor did he repeat the day when he was drowsy in the rocking chair when he was old. Instead, he asked him to repeat the sunny day, the groundhog can see himself On this day of shadow, as long as he goes out and walks a few hundred meters, he will be able to see his beloved one day. He doesn't have to think about tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the future. He no longer worry about interview tasks and program effects, no longer worry about what to eat for lunch and people who sell insurance. He only needs to plan "today" for a day.

He only needs to grasp the fate that is close at hand.

Therefore, I prefer him at the beginning. He can recite all the poems she likes. He can talk to her about her profession and her interests. When she wanted to drink something, he would naturally order it without her. Obviously, the director didn't like Phil doing this, and he was slapped for it. Maybe the director wants to say that this is cheating. Then doing good according to a well-designed plan is even more cheating. This is not cheating, because it was originally the will of the gods, because the 6 billion people in the world are the only one who can do it.

Because he is like an angel, because he is unique.

He really is her other half.

I would rather she fall in love with him like this, I would rather they live for these miracles, even if they do evil because they don’t have to worry about tomorrow, even if they "take the naked body as the bottom line of the most defeated moral behavior acceptable to the human world", even if they are among them. Next, "Except for the abyss, it is the abyss." Since you have never believed in heaven, naturally there is no hell.

PS I also think of another film "50 First Loves", which is actually almost a story like this, but one uses miracles, and the other can be said to be complete without miracles. In fact, everyone likes to play amnesia, so that there will always be a girl with zero grades for you to challenge. Challenges are always hard work, but in modern times, where people go are shackles and new predicaments, because people have just been freed from the outside world and are trapped in their hearts. Whether it is love or sex, they have been branded with a shelf life and become a problem. Therefore, the reincarnation of Eternal Tribulation is always only those boring passages, rather than the moments of heart-stirring.

View more about Groundhog Day reviews

Extended Reading
  • Crystel 2022-03-25 09:01:02

    1. If you don’t have a tomorrow, then live your best today. If you have an eternal today, live every day perfectly, wake up at 6 o’clock every day and spend your best time. Good every day; 2. Your attitude towards life determines your life. Since you live that way every day, then try to live your best today.

  • Maureen 2022-03-25 09:01:02

    Stand-alone archive, full blood resurrection! 2015.1.10 Chengdu

Groundhog Day quotes

  • [to Rita about Phil]

    Larry: Did he actually call himself "the talent"?

  • Phil: I'm a god.

    Rita: You're God?

    Phil: I'm *a* god. I'm not *the* God... I don't think.