those cries from the abyss

Jewell 2022-11-21 03:31:45

I didn't see it as a ghost movie, even though there were ghosts and paranormal events in it, the identities of the therapist and the client were not clearly defined. Freed from the Chamber of Fear and approached the ghosts in a whole new way Malcolm also made up for the wrongs in another way of repayment and walked out of the abyss of guilt

In the film, Cole is a sympathetic little boy. You can feel his intense fear and anxiety through the screen, as well as his forbearance and understanding beyond his biological age, especially his clear and pure eyes are so pitiful and staring at you. Touched the softest place in my heart so that I found the photos of the actor growing up and couldn't accept it for a while (no I still can't accept it now

Cole is finally healed in a performative game Only the boy with a pure heart can draw that sword He is the boy who pushes from the stage to reality The trauma is also repaired and sublimated in the artistic performance

Those cries from the abyss, those ghosts that terrified us never left and never disappeared, maybe these are our inner voices, the voices that we've been under pressure from all sides to hide, but suppressed for too long and too deep. A form is presented, the only thing we can do is face them and coexist with them

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Extended Reading

The Sixth Sense quotes

  • Tommy Tammisimo: Hey freak, how'd you like the "arm around your shoulder" bit. I just made it up. Went with it. That's what great actors do. It's called improv.

  • Stanley Cunningham: I don't know which one of these guys told you that, but they were just trying to scare you, I think.

    Cole Sear: I don't like people looking at me like that.

    Stanley Cunningham: Like what?

    Cole Sear: Stop it!