I'm Mr. Boring Conspiracy Theory

Sandrine 2022-04-19 09:01:05

Because when I first saw the film titled Zombie Sean, when I watched the film, I always had a psychological suggestion that classmate Sean would be bitten sooner or later.
Then since all the male protagonists have been bitten, there is no reason for this film to be left alive, right? The ending should be that all human beings become a big family of zombies and live a happy life happily. Or the virus suddenly mutated or died collectively because everyone had no human flesh to eat, etc., anyway, I never expected this ending.

After watching it, I really want to know, who translated such an unreliable and widely circulated title? ! As a result, when I looked at several other translations, I shrank my neck, just this one, it's pretty good.

In fact, the title of the film SHAUN OF DEAD should not refer to the physical DEAD (that is, to become a zombie or something), but to the death of the old life, the new life of Sean's classmates.

At the beginning of the film, Sean is a good old man. He has a good friend ED who has been with him since college, an elite roommate PETER who always dislikes ED, and one who always thinks that he has no fun, courage and independence. Spiritual girlfriend LIZ, a mother and stepfather who must visit once every two months, a job where she has worked for many years but still has no status or position and is ridiculed by young colleagues.

I'm used to being the protagonist of a good old man. I'm tired of facing all kinds of annoying things in life every day. I can't bear to get rid of ED when my roommate tells me about ED. My girlfriend's friends force my girlfriend to break up with me. , I don't want to see my mother and stepfather come to JJYY again...

At this moment, the zombie virus appeared. There are various bloody resistances in the middle, and the press is not shown, and the performance in the movie is quite explosive. Let's see the ending.

In this battle, classmate Sean lost his BBYY roommate; he lost his stepfather who he hated since he was a child; he lost his mother who didn't bother to visit once in two months and didn't even want to buy flowers when he went to see it; I lost my girlfriend's best friend and my unlucky best friend. Finally, I finally lost my good friend ED, who was reluctant to get rid of it for many years. Sean's classmate also showed the domineering and enthusiasm that he should have as a generation of male protagonists, and won the favor of his girlfriend again.

The process is very tragic, and everyone related to the old life has died except for his beloved girlfriend.
It's like cutting out a bad disease. Although it is painful, who can say that this is not liberation?

I can't help but think about a conspiracy theory: Classmate Sean, you must be secretly happy in your heart, right? Maybe this virus was created by you. Come on, let's be honest, be lenient, resist and be strict...

In short, this is a film about how a good old YY can get rid of a useless life.

Hey, my mind is so dark...

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Extended Reading
  • Webster 2022-03-25 09:01:04

    Trash or classic? Just like it yourself, but don't influence other people's thoughts. After all, we are all starting from a subjective point of view... I think it is very classic, at least it is very comfortable to watch.

  • Marcel 2022-03-24 09:01:06

    Quite ironic black comedy

Shaun of the Dead quotes

  • Philip: You got red on you.

  • Shaun: You've been to a lock-in.

    Liz: Several.