Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: An Unrivaled Animation Benchmark

Melany 2022-04-19 09:01:18

Although my expectations for "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" have been greatly increased after seeing numerous positive reviews, after watching the movie, this film still far exceeded my expectations! Not only will it be the best animated film of the year, it will even have a place in "animated film history".

What's more, it's still a "Spider-Man" movie... It can be said that this movie is full of surprises.

It's not easy to describe how good "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" is in words, because many audio-visual effects and sensory experiences cannot be converted into words, so it is best to watch this film, believe you Will never be disappointed.

[Friendly reminder: There will be spoilers below. 】

To say that the biggest advantage of "Spider-Man: Parallel Universe" is the distinctive "painting style" that is unique to the film .

First of all, it is a 3D animation , but you will find that it shows the characteristics of comics everywhere : dialog boxes, monologue bubbles, dot effects, figurative onomatopoeia, "Kirby burst" that expresses cosmic energy matter with a circle pattern, etc. Wait, the use of these comic techniques makes people have a novel "reading sense" when watching movies.

This is not a simple act of brute force. Improper handling of such a bold approach will make the audience feel a strong sense of disobedience, and it is easy to make a nondescript "four dissimilarities" - in order to perfect and integrate this unique style of painting, the film is displayed in 3D in 3D. On the basis of animation, a drastic "dimension reduction" process has been carried out, and the method of superimposing CG and hand-painted lines is adopted. While ensuring the characteristics of comics, the original texture of the animation will not be lost.

Such an unconventional production method naturally requires corresponding "sacrifice": after combining different "dimension" textures, the frame rate of the film is also actively reduced. 12 frames are everywhere in the film, with thick lines, color bleeding, "Problems" such as ambiguity continue to appear, which may make some viewers feel uncomfortable... But such "roughness" is exactly the effect the film deliberately pursues .

In addition to creating the feeling of "comic being re-engraved into the screen", this kind of picture is also very similar to the "out of focus" that is often encountered in photography - whether it is 2D animation, 3D animation or stop-motion animation, it is usually not There will be such "problems" - which in turn give "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" a distinctive "real-life" feature.

Modern comics have a strong sense of lens and are easy to animate, largely because they borrowed the movie's sub-shot settings, and the film has carried out a certain "reverse push" on this basis. Forming a visual impact can also play a supporting role in the narrative.

I'm not very familiar with music, but I must admit that the soundtrack of "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" is very nice. The key is that it matches the style of the movie. The dazzling and gorgeous pictures with the self-confidence, assertiveness, and arbitrary arrangement are definitely a must-have. A blast of audio-visual enjoyment.

Of course, it must be admitted that this new style of mixing and matching cannot be liked by everyone (especially in China), so there is no need to criticize some viewers who cannot appreciate the style of this film.

The main creator probably also thought of this, so there is no ambiguity when it comes to "3D".

For example, Miles' "Leap of Faith" after finding himself and before going to the battlefield, the texture of the fine lines is also the highest level of current 3D animation.

"Spider-Man: Parallel Universe" can have a "unique" style of painting. Six Spider-Man from different universes have contributed, and they have injected richer and more vivid type elements into the film : Miles Morale Stacey and Peter Parker are the foundation, as I have said before; Gwen Stacy began to make changes on this basis, contributing a more slender and smooth style; Shadow Spider-Man's pure black and white outfit, full of hardcore retro Style; Penny Parker's strong Japanese style is probably the most familiar two-dimensional flavor; and Spider-Man is a more traditional "cartoon" style, which provides a lot of laughs by the way.

I have to admire Sony's whimsy here: Compared to Marvel's Avengers and Fox's X-Men, Sony's status as only holding the copyright of the Spider-Man series is actually quite "embarrassing". The results of "The Amazing Spider-Man" were not satisfactory, and they jointly developed the little spider under the unparalleled "eyes" of Marvel... How to make the "cornucopia" of Spider-Man shine again is not an easy task.

"Spider-Man: Parallel Universe" has taken a different approach. Under the circumstance that it was not favored by others in the early stage, it boldly used the idea of ​​multiverse to play a good card. There are also quite a few, and the effect of "1+1>2" can still be achieved with one character .

This film not only does not shy away from this point, but also shows off with great fanfare, burying all kinds of easter eggs in the film - interested friends can look for a more professional collection of easter eggs, I still say that: find one more Easter eggs are a bit more fun, but even if you don’t find a few, it won’t affect your movie-watching experience.

Having said so many advantages and characteristics of production, let's talk about the plot.

The conclusion first: There is no major problem with the story layout of "Spider-Man: Parallel Universe". Both main lines are taken care of. Although the rhythm in the middle and early stages is slightly unbalanced, it does not affect the smoothness of the overall narrative and maintains the basic basics. The short board of "high picture, low plot" has not been formed.

The film takes Miles Morales, who has taken over the mantle of Spider-Man in the main universe, as the first protagonist, "decadent" Peter Parker as the first male support, Gwen Stacy as the heroine, and the shadow spider Xia, Penny Parker, and Spider-Horse once again, grasping the balance of priority and subordination, and a degree of relaxation.

The narrative focus of this main line is on the "mentor" Peter guiding the "rookie" Miles. A newbie who is at a loss has become a hero on his own, and a middle-aged man who is useless is rejuvenated to the greatest extent. The theme of "growing up" was developed ; Gwen expanded the theme on another level; the remaining three were only used as adjustments to help polish the genre elements of the film.

Although "six Spider-Man in the same frame" is the biggest selling point of this film, after all, this is only a film with a duration of less than two hours. The main creator must make certain choices. It is impossible for each Spider-Man to have a lot of scenes... small There will be regrets, but they are unavoidable.

In another story line, the film also did not lose the original flavor of the "Spider-Man" series.

The love and protection of his family is the starting point and driving force of Miles. The death of Uncle Allen (Prowler) also made Miles taste the pain of losing a loved one and the price of strong growth.

In contrast, the performance of the "family line" can only be said to be quite satisfactory , and it is a little superficial. Fortunately, the proportion is not high, and it does not have many negative effects. It is not a success.

I am relieved that after Peter Parker, another new generation of Spider-Man has stood up on the screen - "Little Black Spider" Miles Morales is convincing (you say Spider-Woman Gwen Stacy? Well, I'll admit she's great too, but it's not her home game today).

Just like the sign painted and graffitied by himself after taking over the spider suit, Miles has his own unique style and personality: in his docile and modest soul, there is a rebellious and uninhibited side, he is sensitive and kind, faithful to his "ex" He is sloppy and unrestrained, never tying his sneakers and shoelaces, he has all the troubles and laziness that teenagers cannot escape, and also has the dreams and beliefs that all his peers yearn for.

After experiencing hesitation, Miles found his own "Tao", just like when he bought his first COS suit and was afraid that it would not fit, "Store Manager" Stan Lee said: "One day we will meet . body" .

He's not the second Peter Parker, he's the first Miles Morales.

The most exciting thing about Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is the spirit, "Anyone can be a Spider-Man!" Because each of us can be a hero to ourselves and our friends and family.

[You are also welcome to pay attention to my official account "You Love Comment Area"~]

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Extended Reading
  • Frieda 2021-10-20 19:00:24

    I watched an IMAX scene, it was very cool, even better than the live-action superhero movie. The special effects scenes are very cool and clean. The style of painting is like a comic strip that directly moves, with a lot of imagination and expressive shots. It is impossible to achieve in a live-action movie. This is the advantage of animation. Even if it draws something that a real person can't do, you will believe it and feel cool because it is the charm of animation that is different from a live-action movie. Although there are 7 Spider-Man, but it is still a gimmick-like Easter egg set. The 7 Spider-Man share an old story that has been played countless times. Although it is a bit boring, the visual effects are really cool. See I don’t want to watch the so-called domestically produced conscience animations for the completion of this movie. I don’t know what the year of the monkey is when I want to catch up with other people’s business capabilities.

  • Maymie 2022-03-20 09:01:12

    I don't think the animation is as good as before. The dubbing is awkward... the plot is still the same, but the special effects are better, two stars...

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse quotes

  • Spider-Man Noir: OK, little fella, Kingpin's gonna send a lot of mugs after ya, I'm talking hard boys, real biscuit boxers. Can you fight them all off at once?

    Miles Morales: Well, I, I haven't actually fought anyone...

    Spider-Man Noir: Surprise attack!

    [Miles tries to fight Spider-Man Noir, but Noir knocks him down. Peni jumps in]

    Peni Parker: Can you re-wire a mainframe while being shot at?

    Miles Morales: Can I what?

    Peni Parker: Show me!

    Spider-Man Noir: Surprise attack!

    [Noir knocks him down again]

    Gwen Stacy: Can you swing and flip with the grace of a trained dancer?

    Spider-Man Noir: Can you close off your feelings so you don't get crippled by the moral ambiguity of your violent actions?

    Aunt May: Can you help your aunt create an online dating profile so she can get out of the dang house once in a while?

    Spider-Ham: Can you float through the air when you smell a delicious pie?

    Miles Morales: What?

    Gwen Stacy: Can you be strong?

    Peni Parker: Ruthless?

    Gwen Stacy: Disciplined?

    Miles Morales: I don't know, maybe...

    Spider-Ham: BOING!

    Spider-Man Noir: Show me some moxie, soldier!

    Gwen Stacy: Above all, no mater how many times you get hit, can you get back up?

    Spider-Man Noir: Because when a Spider-Man is on the floor...

    Gwen Stacy: - When you think you've given your all...

    Spider-Ham: - When you think you can't keep going...

    Spider-Man Noir: - Spider-Man always gets up.

  • Peter B. Parker: This kid can turn himself invisible! Watch this, he can do it... now!

    Miles Morales: I can't do it on command...

    Peter B. Parker: He can't do it on command! But it is cool. Show them the zappy thing, Miles.

    Miles Morales: I can't do it on command.

    Peter B. Parker: He can't do it on command! But he can do so much more, like what else do you do?

    Miles Morales: Just those two things.

    Peter B. Parker: Just those two things.