spiderman parallel universe

Friedrich 2022-04-21 09:01:16

The core story of "Spider-Man Parallel Universe" is a 13-year-old boy Miles who is in a difficult period. After transferring to an elite high school without preparation, he is confused about his identity transition, confused about his academic burden, and uncomfortable in interpersonal relationships. , Under all kinds of pressure, he had the intention of quitting, and he just skipped school and went to play with the gangster uncle. Miles' family and friends have given him support and encouragement during this very special time. He has gained some important things and lost some important things. This experience has made him recognize and establish his own position and brave to become an elite. students, and strode forward. The important thing is not the coolness of the picture, but the love and respect given by loved ones to Miles when he changed drastically, and the latter is more rare than the former.

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Extended Reading
  • Holden 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    The sudden and advanced screening greatly reflected the phrase "Everyone is the Spiderman." Whether it is the "Mortal Heroes Dream" of the early three series or the heroines who have appeared in numerous heroines by their mouths and humors led by the Dutch brother, this movie has appeared or has appeared through "every one" or even different films and TV shows. The Spider-Man in the work reminds the audience once again of the character's lovable qualities: ordinary, real and simple, and I think this is the biggest point of this less ambitious cartoon. Back to the dubbing, A Special Shout Out to Mulaney! "Spider-Ham" deserves to be too cute. PS Whether it's the old man's cameo or the end-credits egg, they all contain thoughtful designs and surprises. It is definitely the most unforgettable moving and hilarious viewing session before the end of the year. (Second brushes are required after the domestic release!)

  • Briana 2021-10-20 19:00:24

    The old growth talk of "be yourself" and another set of the correct color, absolutely safe, young age, pure entertainment-oriented universe widening type, especially the other "bitten" universes interspersed, is really a flying wind. , And finally the whole scene is twisted.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse quotes

  • Spider-Man Noir: OK, little fella, Kingpin's gonna send a lot of mugs after ya, I'm talking hard boys, real biscuit boxers. Can you fight them all off at once?

    Miles Morales: Well, I, I haven't actually fought anyone...

    Spider-Man Noir: Surprise attack!

    [Miles tries to fight Spider-Man Noir, but Noir knocks him down. Peni jumps in]

    Peni Parker: Can you re-wire a mainframe while being shot at?

    Miles Morales: Can I what?

    Peni Parker: Show me!

    Spider-Man Noir: Surprise attack!

    [Noir knocks him down again]

    Gwen Stacy: Can you swing and flip with the grace of a trained dancer?

    Spider-Man Noir: Can you close off your feelings so you don't get crippled by the moral ambiguity of your violent actions?

    Aunt May: Can you help your aunt create an online dating profile so she can get out of the dang house once in a while?

    Spider-Ham: Can you float through the air when you smell a delicious pie?

    Miles Morales: What?

    Gwen Stacy: Can you be strong?

    Peni Parker: Ruthless?

    Gwen Stacy: Disciplined?

    Miles Morales: I don't know, maybe...

    Spider-Ham: BOING!

    Spider-Man Noir: Show me some moxie, soldier!

    Gwen Stacy: Above all, no mater how many times you get hit, can you get back up?

    Spider-Man Noir: Because when a Spider-Man is on the floor...

    Gwen Stacy: - When you think you've given your all...

    Spider-Ham: - When you think you can't keep going...

    Spider-Man Noir: - Spider-Man always gets up.

  • Peter B. Parker: This kid can turn himself invisible! Watch this, he can do it... now!

    Miles Morales: I can't do it on command...

    Peter B. Parker: He can't do it on command! But it is cool. Show them the zappy thing, Miles.

    Miles Morales: I can't do it on command.

    Peter B. Parker: He can't do it on command! But he can do so much more, like what else do you do?

    Miles Morales: Just those two things.

    Peter B. Parker: Just those two things.