I hate that iron is not steel

Benny 2022-04-20 09:01:11

In many places, the director's efforts are in the right direction, but the force is not enough. Let people see that iron is not steel.

For example, the background of the story is the end of mankind. When those few people who shouldered the responsibility of saving the same kind, suddenly heard a cheerful song at the gas station, they could have evoked a strong sense of sadness in the end of the world. It's a pity that the director's previous scenes of the end of the world are too little, and the foreshadowing is not enough, and the intensity of this emotion is not enough.

But the most unforgivable thing is the flaw in the story: there is no climax.
The reason there is no climax is that the director puts the audience in the wrong position.
Humanity is not at fault in this war. The audience is rightly on the human side.
After all, when the audience saw a group of monkeys rushing down the mountain to slaughter the city, there was no sense of refreshment, only a sense of humiliation.

At this point, think of "Avatar," think of "Sedek Bale," and you know how important it is to get the audience in line before the climax.

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Extended Reading
  • Godfrey 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    Not as refined as the previous one. The advantage is that it is very solid and traditional, because it sells steadily and is much heavier than ordinary commercial films, I personally think it is quite suitable for reference and learning. Painting cakes is a technical task. Great leaders are all masters of chicken soup, family, home, and future. If you don't paint cakes, the hunks will be scattered. PS Caesar’s daughter-in-law’s issuance card is really good, please be the same

  • Lukas 2021-10-20 19:00:53

    Humans are the apes, and the apes are humans.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes quotes

  • Blue Eyes: [in sign language] Fear makes others turn. When they see you alive, they will turn against Koba.

    Blue Eyes: [spoken aloud] Father, let me help you.

  • Caesar: Koba still in a cage.