The witch who grows old and is afraid of the princess leaving is our parents

Rasheed 2022-04-19 09:01:14

I don't think witches are bad from start to finish.

The sunflower does not belong to the witch, nor to the kingdom or queen. She is an independent individual, the sunshine that shines into life.

The witch discovered her first, and even if she had selfish thoughts, she never hurt her from beginning to end. However, the guards took her away, because the queen wanted to heal herself, so she picked sunflowers and ate her to save her life. After giving birth to the princess, the princess was taken away by the witch again, and she has been "imprisoned" in the tower. The witch has lost her once and does not want to lose her again. Then the robber male protagonist appeared out of nowhere and took the princess away with the help of Bai Ma, although Bai Ma did not want to help him. The princess has returned to the kingdom and will live in the kingdom until her death. Is this a beautiful fairy tale about escaping the "cage"?

In my opinion, each of us is that sunflower, witches are our parents, we bring them happiness and sunshine, our presence will make them forget fatigue and aging for a while, they are afraid that we will be hurt by the dirty world , has been protecting us "selfishly", but we always want to escape from them, and finally one day, we leave them, they are also old, and when we find out, maybe...

The queen and king of the kingdom are what we imagine the family and parents to look like, but that is the cage of the real society, because the "imprisonment" of the family makes us feel that the outside world is beautiful, and the parents of other families are beautiful.

But if you think about it, is it really good? The world you yearn for, they just want your life to continue their life, they just want your ability to protect the interests of the kingdom. And your parents will temporarily forget about fatigue and aging just by seeing you singing and smiling.

The prince who came to rescue you is penniless and wants to give you freedom in the name of love, but in the end you lose your happy and carefree life and lose all luster. We know that real love cannot be kept fresh forever. It can't be said that the male protagonist is bad, but he made Rapunzel grow, but growth is bitter.

The white horse that really protects you, but he is an "outlier". Once you thought the tower that imprisoned you, you still remember that you enjoyed reading books, cooking all kinds of delicious meals, painting beautiful pictures, looking forward to your mother coming home every day, and bargaining with her for her birthday Gift, even if it is difficult, she still promises you. She is still worried about you when she goes out, afraid that you will have an accident, that you will disappear, that she will have no one to support herself. All this is full and beautiful, practical and warm. But you want to escape, and you always feel that the outside world is good.

That chameleon is your only "friend", don't forget, he's a chameleon, he's fickle, and in the end it trips up and your mother falls off the tower and never sees her again. That really shocked me. She killed your mother who raised you for 18 years. You frown slightly, as if you can't bear it. I wonder if your thin shoulders will not be able to bear the heavy responsibility of the kingdom in the future, will you think of the mother you despised? Will you be in love with the male lead forever? Will the chameleon always be your friend?

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Extended Reading
  • Elias 2022-03-22 09:01:10

    Disney is synonymous with fairy tales, beautiful princesses, handsome princes, vicious queens, inevitably a bit clichéd, not as amazing as the Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast.

  • Pearlie 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    2011-03-09 The plot of cutting off the magic blonde can interpret a lot of things. The personal details are great, worthy of the old Disney brand. The outside world is worth contacting no matter how shameless it is, but the villain is a motherly love with a strong selfish element-this is the slightly subversive side of modern fairy tales. All kinds of painless routines look very smooth and worth watching with boring friends to kill time. Just forget it as a love model.

Tangled quotes

  • Mother Gothel: Rapunzel? Rapunzel, what's going on up there? Are you all right?

    Rapunzel: [whispers] I'm the lost princess.

    Mother Gothel: [sighs] Please speak up, Rapunzel. You know how I hate the mumbling...

    Rapunzel: [louder] I am the lost princess! Aren't I?

    [Mother Gothel stares in shock]

    Rapunzel: Did I mumble, Mother? Or should I even call you that?

    Mother Gothel: [pauses, then regains composure] Oh, Rapunzel, do you even hear yourself? Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?

    Rapunzel: [pushes her away, angry and frightened] It was you! It was ALL you!

    Mother Gothel: [coldly] Everything I did was to protect YOU.

    [Rapunzel shoves past Gothel in disgust]

    Mother Gothel: Rapunzel!

    Rapunzel: I've spent my entire life hiding from people who would use me for my power...

    Mother Gothel: Rapunzel!

    Rapunzel: ...when I should have been hiding - from YOU!

    Mother Gothel: Where will you go? He won't be there for you.

    Rapunzel: What did you do to him?

    Mother Gothel: That criminal is to be hanged for his crimes.

    Rapunzel: [gasps] No...

    Mother Gothel: Now, now, it's all right. Listen to me. All of this is as it should be.

    [She tries to touch Rapunzel, but Rapunzel grabs her wrist]

    Rapunzel: No! You were wrong about the world. And you were wrong about ME! And I will NEVER let you use my hair again!

    [Mother Gothel breaks free of Rapunzel's grip, only to cause a nearby mirror to fall and smash. Rapunzel then turns to leave]

    Mother Gothel: You want me to be the bad guy? Fine.

    [advances toward Rapunzel threateningly]

    Mother Gothel: Now I'm the bad guy.

  • Rapunzel: [trapped in a flooding cave with Flynn] This is all my fault. She was right. I never should've done this. I'm so, I'm so sorry, Flynn.

    Flynn Rider: [sighs] Eugene.

    Rapunzel: [confused] What?

    Flynn Rider: [sheepishly] My real name is Eugene Fitzherbert. Someone might as well know.

    Rapunzel: Hmm. I have magic hair that glows when I sing.

    Flynn Rider: What?

    Rapunzel: [realizing what she's saying] I have magic hair that glows when I sing!


    Rapunzel: Flower, gleam and glow. Let your power shine.

    [the water overtakes them, and her hair glows, lighting their way out]