The Human Comedy

Laverna 2022-04-20 09:01:07

The beauty of human nature is self-evident.
Think American theme movies. The director of the film, Frank Capra, made a documentary TV during World War II, which was broadcast in the countries of the Union, and even Stalin released it to the Soviet people. Frank is good at shooting realistic movies in a satirical way. The humorous world flows frame by frame. It is relaxed and natural and directly hits the heart. Such movies are undoubtedly the most popular, no matter what era.
What a beautiful life, capitalism of all evils, good quality is still the greatest wealth beyond the power of money. The angle chosen in this film is very interesting. The protagonist is a run-down small middle class, with integrity, enthusiasm and sense of responsibility. In order to help the poor proletariat have a house, he is hated and calculated by the monopoly capitalists in the small town. An angel sent to save him and understand the preciousness of life. These four roles make up American society. Freedom but more responsibility, pursuit of wealth but fear of God, the middle class is the most dynamic group, this structure is very stable. Religion makes evil capitalism not always so evil. After all, a society without contradictions does not exist; in a small way, a life without contradictions does not exist.
James Stewart has become a national idol in the United States, and it is also a cloud of China's brother Lei Feng, etc. Air Force Brigadier General, several Oscars, capable of both civility and martial arts. Acting is powerful because he is acting as a part of himself.
The heroine Donna Reed, the actor's road is not very smooth, not so famous. I always thought it was Ingrid Bergman when I watched the movie, and this temperament couldn't be more beautiful. There are also the standard actions of women in old Hollywood movies, covering their faces, tiptoeing, etc. Ha, whenever I see this, I feel very funny.

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It's a Wonderful Life quotes

  • George Bailey: Look, who are you? Who are you really?

    Clarence: I told you, George. I'm your guardian angel.

    George Bailey: Yeah, well what else are you? Are you a hypnotist?

    Clarence: No, of course not.

    George Bailey: Then why am I seeing all these strange things?

    Clarence: Don't you understand, George? It's because you were never born.

    George Bailey: Well, if I was never born... who am I?

    Clarence: You're nobody. You have no identity.

    George Bailey: What do you mean no identity? My name is George Bailey!

    Clarence: There is no George Bailey.

    [George searches his pockets for identification, finds none]

    Clarence: You have no papers, no cards, no driver's license, no 4F card, no insurance policy.

    [George finally searches his watch pocket for the rose petals from Zuzu]

    Clarence: They're not there either.

    George Bailey: What?

    Clarence: Zuzu's petals... You've been given a great gift, George: A chance to see what the world would be like without you.

  • Clarence: You see, George, you've really had a wonderful life. Don't you see what a mistake it would be to throw it away?