Always believe that good things happen all the time

Joaquin 2022-04-20 09:01:07

The name Mary is to be comparable to the Virgin Mary, foot!

When you don't know how to meet such a wife, it may be that your good deeds are not enough. George is not a qualified husband but a very great man.

Everyone's life affects others.

Whether you mean it or not, then why do we still sadly underestimate our self-worth.

Then why not be friendly? After watching this film, I feel that the world has become a better place. Treating people with sincerity and being considerate of others, these basic virtues are only promoted in textbooks.

I have always felt that China's traditional virtues are seriously lacking, and Chinese history and culture are the best way to go, but everyone is taking the opposite direction and distorting its meaning. The current Chinese society is really disappointing. There is no humility and no sincerity. We can't blame the market economy and commercial society for making people like this. We didn't do it well from the beginning, which led to the collapse of the tide when the tide of change came, and the economic foundation built by the West for hundreds of years took off directly. Here Don't start talking.

Back to the topic of movies, we are not lacking in goodness. These are what everyone needs and is keen on. Everyone wants others to treat them kindly, but they are unwilling to give a little bit of kindness. There is a saying in the ancient Chinese saying that etiquette should be exchanged. We just focus on etiquette, and change it to something else. Kindness is the same principle. What is more clear is that do not do to others what you would not want to do to yourself. Back to China again.

Really I think the town in the movie is a paradise, achievable.

Whether it is the police family or the town, they are all acquaintances, relying on George to gather the centripetal force of a group of people.

Of course, this is also based on special circumstances, such as an evil old man who controls the infrastructure of the entire town, such as a child in charge who inherits his father's business, such as the privatization of other people's national public facilities, but it does not hinder the warning given to us .

For example, everyone will have an impact on this world, whether it is a person or an event, so don't despise yourself or even commit suicide.

For example, when you assign a big responsibility to a private person on the day, you must first work hard on your mind, work your muscles and bones, and starve your body and skin...
This paragraph reminds me of the renunciation that George had to make when he inherited his father's business.

The last sentence is for those who have seen it.

Angels really exist, and they are George's bedsiders.

I wish you all to find someone by your side, don't disgust yourself if you don't find it, there will always be someone to make an appointment with

you. Thank you.

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Extended Reading
  • Kyle 2022-04-23 07:01:08

    【B+】This movie is very cliché. But what about vulgarity? This is probably the best movie I've ever seen in my life. James Stewart played the role of George Bailey so vividly that he really deserves to be an American national treasure actor. It is hard to imagine that there was such a forward-thinking movie in 1946. To this day, this film is still helping generations of people find the lost beauty in life, which is indescribably great! ! !

  • Maximillian 2022-03-20 09:01:09

    There will always be good things in the world, and we should not lose our vision of goodness

It's a Wonderful Life quotes

  • George Bailey: Look, who are you? Who are you really?

    Clarence: I told you, George. I'm your guardian angel.

    George Bailey: Yeah, well what else are you? Are you a hypnotist?

    Clarence: No, of course not.

    George Bailey: Then why am I seeing all these strange things?

    Clarence: Don't you understand, George? It's because you were never born.

    George Bailey: Well, if I was never born... who am I?

    Clarence: You're nobody. You have no identity.

    George Bailey: What do you mean no identity? My name is George Bailey!

    Clarence: There is no George Bailey.

    [George searches his pockets for identification, finds none]

    Clarence: You have no papers, no cards, no driver's license, no 4F card, no insurance policy.

    [George finally searches his watch pocket for the rose petals from Zuzu]

    Clarence: They're not there either.

    George Bailey: What?

    Clarence: Zuzu's petals... You've been given a great gift, George: A chance to see what the world would be like without you.

  • Clarence: You see, George, you've really had a wonderful life. Don't you see what a mistake it would be to throw it away?