
Alessia 2022-04-19 09:01:13

The content of the film is rich, but not explained clearly. The director places the characters' grievances and grievances in the context of the American Civil War and seems to want to illustrate the change process of the protagonist from entangled in personal hatred to petitioning for the people (justice for the slain elected congressman), but the film does not show it clearly, making people feel I feel that the protagonist is obsessed with hatred, and the previous assassination also cast a shadow on the characters that he is not an upright person. On the contrary, the butcher who killed the protagonist's opponent, although ferocious, dared to act, he was quite accurate under the performance of actor Louis, and the character was quite powerful.
I have always disliked people who have hatred in their hearts, nor do I like people with a ruthless nature. I can understand the hatred of the protagonist (the murder of the father), but I cannot understand the murderousness of the butcher. Throughout the movie, I've been looking for the reason why the butcher became the butcher, but couldn't find it. This figure seems to have become a kite with a broken string, and has been floating in the sky, and his stringer cannot be seen.
After watching the movie, it can be said that I was a little disappointed. But some things seem to have no reason, or are created by the environment, they are born that way, we have seen movies, and that's fine.

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Extended Reading
  • Angela 2022-03-24 09:01:11

    The reason why this film is not bad is definitely because of DDL’s acting skills. Although it is a supporting role, if Leonardo is replaced by a slightly less idol actor, such as Depp, I will definitely give this film four stars, but there is no way. , Who called Leonardo the queen of martin scorsese in the Mesozoic actor?

  • Darby 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    Lewis' performance was a highlight. Scorsese's rare trick.

Gangs of New York quotes

  • Bill: [after stabbing Priest] Look to me! Who is this under my knife!

  • Bill: Everything you see belongs to me, to one degree or another. The beggars and newsboys and quick thieves here in Paradise, the sailor dives and gin mills and blind tigers on the waterfront, the anglers and amusers, the she-hes and the Chinks. Everybody owes, everybody pays. Because that's how you stand up against the rising of the tide.