I killed the person I most respected

Elouise 2022-04-20 09:01:08

Gangs of New York
It's an atrocity of civilization and civilization,
it's an epic of revenge,
it's a proper duel.
It has witnessed the turbulent situation in the United States in the past,
it has witnessed the rampant situation of American gangsters, and
it has also witnessed the situation of American gangsters from the beginning to the final decline.
This is New York.
It shows human nature with a certain scale.
In an era of turmoil and
gangs, the
gang is the hegemony!
Under the oppression of this hegemony, the
people finally moved towards resistance.
the turmoil starts here!

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Extended Reading
  • Verlie 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    I want to watch this cup of ten Oscar nominations and zero-winning films for many years. At the beginning, looking at the riding boots and legs, I knew it was Daniel at a glance. When the camera moved to the face, I was at a loss...

  • Verlie 2022-03-26 09:01:01

    In the aftermath of the terrorist attack by Christian extremists in Colorado, they reviewed this epic film of the old horse stumbled with the French. Religion, ethnicity, after a few decades, it may become thicker. Why bother...

Gangs of New York quotes

  • Bill: [after stabbing Priest] Look to me! Who is this under my knife!

  • Bill: Everything you see belongs to me, to one degree or another. The beggars and newsboys and quick thieves here in Paradise, the sailor dives and gin mills and blind tigers on the waterfront, the anglers and amusers, the she-hes and the Chinks. Everybody owes, everybody pays. Because that's how you stand up against the rising of the tide.