Aum must have never read Xiao Ao Jiang Hu

Jamaal 2022-04-19 09:01:16

Let's talk about the conclusion first, 9 points.

Then there is the rant, with spoilers.













1. First of all, Nicole Kidman Goddess, confession.

2. When the sea king came up and used the knife on his chest, I was really worried that he was going to die again.

3. Then, the first question about the plot: Pharaoh sealed the trident a thousand years ago, and then put the clue in... beer bottle?

Well, we calculate that the Atlanteans were already using this kind of bottle a thousand years ago, so the only clue like this should be that no one other than Aquaman got it. As a result, the sea monster said, "I don't know how many people have tried it." How did these friends know the location of the trident?

So, maybe there's a glass blowing factory in that weapon workshop that keeps producing glass bottles?

4. This little girl Mera is really exciting, she is the poor Atlanta royal family, with her own "100% robbed fiancee attribute".

5. The Trench people live in the seas that can be seen from Italian beaches, but no one has ever discovered them. Why?

6. Sea King's "I'm going to get the trident anyway", and then I didn't try very hard, I got the luck of the trident, it seems to be too good, this full-level god outfit is sent in one second, I always feel that something is wrong ...

7. Nicole Kidman's dinosaur bone suit look, hurry up and get out of the surrounding area, I bought it very much.

8. Speaking of luck, the whereabouts of the trident, which has not been found in a thousand years, was discovered before Aum was about to do something. Aum didn’t know anything about it. The first reaction of his most trusted advisor and his dearest fiancée was the same. Is it hidden from him, whether this king killed or set fire, such a big crime.

By the way, if I were Aum, my mentality would have collapsed long ago. A wild bastard who killed my mother always came in the way. My fiancée made my head green to match her red hair. They were all against me, and I finally got rid of all difficulties and started a career. The wild species ran out with a full-level artifact and a full-level pet.

9. I think Om is also an axis. If I were him, I would know who the protagonist's halo is when I saw Sea King running out with a golden full-level artifact and riding a world-destroying magic pet.

10. Aum has never read Xiaoao Jianghu, otherwise he would know that when Aquaman draws circles there, he should poke in the middle.

11. This little girl Mera is really energetic, she went up with her legs.

12. Speaking of this story is after the Justice League, so Aquaman really wants to save his brother, or else, a phone call: "Hey Clark, I have a brother who wants to do something..."

The next day, there was no Atlantis.

Or, "Hey Bruce, I have something to ask you..." How to say, if you provoke Dachao, you may die without a trace, but if you provoke the master, you can see that they are as vivid as they are when they are alive.

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Extended Reading
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    It's the one that DC is closest to Marvel, so it's also the best-looking one in DC, but good-looking doesn't mean good. DC's best movies are still "Watchmen" and "Dark Knight", both of which have crushed Marvel.

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Aquaman quotes

  • Nuidis Vulko: We invite you, King Nereus, to be the first to join King Orm's alliance!

    King Nereus: As if we had a choice, Vulko! By law, you need four of the Seven Kingdoms to ascend and attack. The Lost Nation and the Deserters have long perished. The Trench? Nothing but animals. The Brine will never join you, and the Fishermen are cowards - without me and my army to convince them, your plans are stillborn. But I know what you really want. Once you've obtained the friendship of four kingdoms, you will be renamed... Ocean Master.

    Orm: That is merely a title.

    King Nereus: I'm no fool, King Orm. As Ocean Master, you will be commander of the greatest military might on this planet!

    Orm: I am the natural choice to lead.

    King Nereus: Are you? What of the rumors that there is another? An Atlantean living amongst the surface? One of royal blood?... You may sit on the throne of Atlantis, but your claim to it is weak. How can you possibly hope to unite the empire?

    Orm: My mother's bastard has never even been to Atlantis! His loyalty is to the surf...


    Nuidis Vulko: Surface dwellers! TO ARMS!

  • Orm: You were defeated the last time because your surface weapons failed you. Ours will not.