Trying to show too much results in showing nothing

Audreanne 2022-04-20 09:01:10

Very ugly. The first time I saw a DC movie, I had high expectations. result. . . The director and screenwriter of the whole film wanted to show too many things, and it was very embarrassing that nothing was shown in place. For a while, I wanted to express the value of world peace, but this value can't stand in this ocean at all? ? ? Then for a while I wanted to be funny, but it wasn't funny at all. . . Then what about the pirate's revenge for a while? You thought he was going to talk about the pirate's revenge? ? ? Will it be a sibling battle for the throne for a while? ? The dagger inherited by the pirate family has so much foreshadowing, but is it useless? ? ? ? The Sea King Trident that I got after a long time wasted, didn't make the sea creatures convinced after I got it, I still depended on the heroine to tell everyone that he got the trident, let's take a look, everyone, look, wow, sure enough , so arrogant? ? ? ? ? I already wondered why I spent two hours watching this shitty movie. . . . Finally, for the sake of zzzq, why do you want peace on land and sea? ? There is no reason, why don't you ask the marine garbage thrown by humans? ? How can there be peace? ?

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Extended Reading
  • Julien 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    Chaos, a hodgepodge of myths, magic, superman, monsters, aliens, as well as Chinese Kung Fu, Western Shenquan. The so-called sea king, but stupid, big, stupid, fierce. The underwater world that the advertisements boast about is blurry and can't be seen clearly.

  • Remington 2021-10-20 19:00:23

    The scene is magnificent, the visual bombardment, and the plot is really watery~~~~ Like an electrocardiogram, the Lord of the Rings for a while, Star Wars for a while, Parkour for a while, Nezha for a while, a treasure from the Dragon Palace for a while, and Godzilla for a while.

Aquaman quotes

  • Nuidis Vulko: We invite you, King Nereus, to be the first to join King Orm's alliance!

    King Nereus: As if we had a choice, Vulko! By law, you need four of the Seven Kingdoms to ascend and attack. The Lost Nation and the Deserters have long perished. The Trench? Nothing but animals. The Brine will never join you, and the Fishermen are cowards - without me and my army to convince them, your plans are stillborn. But I know what you really want. Once you've obtained the friendship of four kingdoms, you will be renamed... Ocean Master.

    Orm: That is merely a title.

    King Nereus: I'm no fool, King Orm. As Ocean Master, you will be commander of the greatest military might on this planet!

    Orm: I am the natural choice to lead.

    King Nereus: Are you? What of the rumors that there is another? An Atlantean living amongst the surface? One of royal blood?... You may sit on the throne of Atlantis, but your claim to it is weak. How can you possibly hope to unite the empire?

    Orm: My mother's bastard has never even been to Atlantis! His loyalty is to the surf...


    Nuidis Vulko: Surface dwellers! TO ARMS!

  • Orm: You were defeated the last time because your surface weapons failed you. Ours will not.