Opinions on Magneto and Storm's Choices

Maia 2022-04-20 09:01:11

Just a little bit about my own opinion, I think the screenwriter still tells the story quite logically.

Magneto's beloved wife and daughter died, and he was completely surrounded by pain and hatred. At that time, he had no sympathy for human beings, so even if he destroyed the old world and killed countless innocent lives, he didn't care at all, maybe even I want those humans to feel the pain.
At this time, when Charles persuaded him, he naturally would not listen.

And from an objective point of view, it has been proved impossible for Eric to live as an ordinary person, (there are so many uncertainties in life, and it can’t be hidden for a while. As a global wanted criminal, even if he goes to Charles There's probably a lot of trouble there too) He can only be Magneto, and the path he's going to take at the time coincides with Apocalypse.

In the end, Eric's reversal, Charles is a very important factor.
But I don't fully agree with everyone saying that love made Eric do this.
I'm a person who can accept CPs of all sexual orientations, but I don't think the relationship between Eric and Charles can be carried over with love. [EC party don't hit me]]] (In this film, it is obvious that Charles' love is Mora, and Magneto's love is his wife.)

Although many people say that Mora is more like a soy sauce, she and Charles' love The relationship is not as tangled and deep as the relationship between Eric and Charles, but love is not the most precious and noble relationship in the world. "Love" is not limited to love. There are many emotions that are not love but are equally heartwarming. Eric loves his parents, loves his wife, loves his daughter, and loves Charles as well.

It can be seen that Eric attaches great importance to his family, and Charles also has a family-like weight in his heart.
But because Charles' situation was different, Eric, who was immersed in pain and thought he had nothing, didn't fully realize the importance of Charles to him from the beginning.

But in the end, in addition to recovering some conscience because of his past memories, he also found that Charles was actually so important to him.

What does that new world mean to him if all the people he loves are gone?

He's got nothing left, he can't lose Charles anymore.

As for Storm's anti-water, from a perceptual point of view, she said at the beginning that Mystique is her idol, and her feelings for idols will indeed affect her a lot, but I think the important reason is rational aspect. It can be inferred that there must be some similarities in the values ​​of Storm and Mystique, so that she may worship Mystique. (The many children in Storm's house at the beginning may be alluding to Storm's less obvious kindness and love.)
I remember Storm's hesitant and confused look when Mystique was caught by the apocalypse, about that time she Just because of the stimulation brought by idols, I began to find the three views that were previously suppressed by the inflated mentality, and I was fighting with myself in my heart. Thinking about the previous Apocalypse's attitude towards the defeated angels and spirit discs probably made Storm a little more sober.
Finally, on Professor X's side, I think Storm realizes what she really wants.
[It's not just for idols]

In addition, many people say that Tianqi was killed by Phoenix in the end, and it feels like he was beaten in vain. I don't think this is the case. Although the Phoenix Girl is the main force in killing Apocalypse, she would not have succeeded without the restraint of Magneto and others.

This point, the screenwriter should express more clearly through Storm's blow. At that time, although Apocalypse was no longer able to fight back, he was still using the ability of space transfer, and some people exclaimed, "He is going to escape." And Storm's reversal made it impossible for Apocalypse to escape, and finally died, unable to make a comeback.

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Extended Reading
  • Lydia 2021-10-20 19:00:11

    Seeing Phoenix walking down the steps of nothingness, releasing his power, and the apocalypse disappeared like a mortal, I cried out in my heart: Lady Sansa is my one true queen of the seven kingdom!

  • Frances 2022-03-22 09:01:13

    I deeply mourn this ancient soul mentor, architect, costume designer and hair director.

X-Men: Apocalypse quotes

  • [deleted scene]

    Charles Xavier: [to Storm] You're not comfortable with all this, are you? You're not like them.

    Ororo Munroe: Don't try to get in my head.

    Charles Xavier: I don't have to read your mind to know what it is you're thinking. You're not a killer.

    Ororo Munroe: You don't know me. You didn't grow up in a place where superstition and dark religion hold a lot more sway than your degrees, Professor. I barely survived my own village, my own family. They all thought I was a curse on the Earth.

    Charles Xavier: Are you going to prove them right? Are you going to prove them right?

  • [deleted scene]

    Kurt Wagner: Where are you from?

    Jubilee: Beverly Hills.

    Kurt Wagner: Ah, the hills! It must be beautiful, I've never been to the mountains.