Training day, the movie that shook my heart

Shanon 2022-04-19 09:01:12

Movies are always gripping. As an ordinary person or a movie watcher, we already have a fixed pattern to enjoy the movie, that is, no matter how you reverse it, the male lead is just. However, Alonzo's way of doing things and behavior habits are contrary to the profession of the police, but we still feel that he will definitely serve justice in his own way. Threats and intimidates students who want to take drugs (looks stupider than the second male, let's just think they are students), violently beats gangsters, the biggest drug lord says he is his informant, and shows that he really wants to crack down on drugs. one side. These fully made me feel that this person has a very great charm. Even running rampant in gang gathering places can be calm, which undoubtedly gives us a wild and uninhibited image of "justice". We also secretly applaud his way of doing things, why? Because he has been brainwashing, not only brainwashing Daniel (the second male), but also brainwashing the audience, thinking that if he fights poison with poison, the wild wolf should be subdued by the wild wolf. This image is indeed the usual style of this type of film, so we are used to being attracted to this image.

I have to say that I started paying attention to Daniel from the Avenger, especially the first part, the "Hardware Man" in the barrage, which gave me too much favor. When I came to watch the training day, I thought this classic The movie must be a regular-style action movie. However, as the plot progresses, Daniel goes to play cards with the gang boss, and even when Alonzo has already driven away, we still believe that this is just a cover, maybe Alonzo is testing him, or there is something unspeakable. It was not until the girl rescued by Daniel told what happened during the day that we began to think that Alonzo was really a black policeman. It's abhorrent, how can a police officer be so far from his profession? It was designed for a week to justify himself, sacrificing his so-called old friend, and trapping a rookie in anti-drugs who was just about to take revenge. Ignoring friendship, ignoring family affection, trampling on rules and laws, despising the dignity of life, holding a pass of justice, and exercising evil deeds.

This reversal even made me unacceptable for a while. Your unconventional path turned out to be so dark and reached the end. You fight poison with poison. The so-called poison is yourself. The purpose of the wild wolf to conquer the wild wolf is to deduct a The logical hat, so that Daniel can't see it clearly, even a little bit convinced that he is with an unusual boss. Fortunately, fortunately, there is a loyal dog, loyal to the country, loyal to the law, loyal to the fear of life, and bitten off the neck of the wolf until death.

The movie gave me a lot of shocks, and the filmmakers gave us a very wonderful interpretation of human nature. Alonzo's fate is what we hope to see, and Daniel's choice is also the light we pursue. It is a naive hope that human nature can really be a little simpler, so that we can face our own world more sunshine and see things better.

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Extended Reading
  • Vaughn 2021-10-20 19:00:55

    Let me count first: we have Denzel Washington, Antoine Fuqua, and David Ayer...So what? Let me count it again: we have a credible person, a person who makes the credible person more credible, a person who makes the city around him equally credible, and a person who is as credible as the previous one. That's it.

  • Vaughn 2022-03-23 09:01:11

    There can be no perfect system in the world. People's hearts and reality are always cruel. Bad cop is unsuccessful and lacks help, and finally has to rely on violence to control violence. -------Eva Mendes originally needed to be naked to be a small role ten years ago.

Training Day quotes

  • Smiley: I am always getting love for the homies.

  • Blue: [while in a wheelchair] What you need, homey?

    Jake Hoyt: Crack. 20 bucks' worth.

    Blue: Crack?

    [looks at Alonzo]

    Blue: Smells like bacon in this muthafucka. What I look like, a sucka to you, nigga? Fuck you, rookie.