Not just a commercial blockbuster

Frieda 2022-04-19 09:01:12

I used to hate commercial blockbusters, because I think the plot is really uncreative, but this movie made me squeeze the water out of my body. Maybe some people say it is the traditional American heroism, but the hero does not live. Come down, this is the real hero.
It's an eternal theme, life and death. Courage allowed Bruce Willis to overcome the instinct of survival. I admire it very much. Maybe I lack such courage. I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of the process of death, pain, helplessness, etc., but I hope that one day I can have the courage to face my life, of course at the end of the world or before I die.
Life needs love, courage, knowledge, and your change in the world, even if you can't save the world, you have to prove your existence to the world...

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Extended Reading
  • Elenora 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    #此才是真的主调片啊# Seeing the director-Michael Bay, everything is relieved. Ben Affleck is acting in a sci-fi movie again. A group of people went to dig a hole in the meteorite, put a nuclear bomb in, and set off a firecracker to save the earth. --------1 The design of the storyline is touching. The design of sci-fi physics is basically flawless. 1999 Saturn Award (Saturn Award) Best Science Fiction Film

  • Damien 2022-04-21 09:01:11

    In fact, it is a typical personal heroism film, but there are a few good lines. I know it must be a happy ending, but other people's beautiful films can be so tangled by screenwriters and editors. That's called a blockbuster.

Armageddon quotes

  • A.J.: You know, Harry, there are only, uh, five words, I want to hear from you right now and those words are: you know A.J., I really look up to you, you been a hero of mine for sometime, and I'm really impressed with your work and I'm emotionally closed off...


    A.J.: That's like - I dunno, that's like eleven words or something. You know what how bout just: A.J., I'm sorry and I love you?

  • Harry Stamper: [to NASA] Hey, you guys wouldn't happen to tell us who actually killed Kennedy, would ya?