American Dad's Image Project

Okey 2022-04-20 09:01:09

(First of all to admit that I'm serious about this big junk food, I lost a good weekend afternoon, why don't I go to sleep? Shit!)

Now the big Hollywood production is a complete movie product

Character flat narrative monotonous story theme background Absurd sound and light effects strive for spectacles

Simply put, these products are scenery action brainwashing films

" scenery " is some real scenery plus a whole bunch of imaginary fake scenery fake natural scenery fake artificial scenery fake disaster scenery fake war scenery is all cg


The protagonist fights supporting characters and beats each other, not enough people, monsters I love my husband, my husband, my wife), I love my children, I love my comrades, I love my brothers, I love my job duties. In short, the United States is a country that has no ideas and is much younger than Japan, so it is this patriotism, family love, dedication, and work. Plus individualism (part of it comes from the so-called Protestant ethics), a little closer look at the various pragmatic ambiguities of American products is no less than the ambiguity of

the Japanese culture of shame (or shameless culture). In order to achieve this potential brainwashing effect, they even justified the largest monster symbol with nuclear fear in Japan after the war! "Godzilla is actually a good friend of human beings~" (I hope the ants will not have similar self-love towards humans) Is

it such a big thing for two big cockroaches to date and mate? Did you mess with Godzilla? Why didn't the two cockroaches meet in San Francisco's Chinatown? What did the creators imply? The protagonist's team is going to burn cockroach eggs and gasoline to slowly submerge a close-up of a Chinese dragon head statue. What are you implying?

What happened to the protagonist of American GI and the Japanese nuclear-fearing derivative, Godzilla, looking at each other affectionately on the street?

Americans almost made those two cockroaches into a dragon head shape (actually a bit of Silent Hill...)

It's not almost completely shameless for the Americans to win over Japan. The Japanese are also jealous of Godzilla and "become a good person". If Godzilla in this film has any opinion on the heterosexuality of the big cockroach, I am so obsessed with the Americans. I heard

the Japanese say that the Americans gave me democracy and led us to develop the United States to control us. I already admired the Americans. The two nuclear bombs took Japan into a vassal state with a dehumanizing attitude (if Japan was once a vassal state) After the war, China's vassal state was the vassal state of the United States.) Now it's kind of good to forcibly demonize the old Japanese fear of

America From now on, a new master of justice and a powerful image of the world guides the hope and direction of mankind. In fact, the output is nothing more than pragmatism and mercantilism. But as a very young immigrant country, they will have less and less to unite themselves. In the end, it is very likely that only Hollywood products will be left. The stinking childish values ​​and doctrines in the world will become more and more obvious if the world is really going to be flat. It will become more and more difficult to kidnap with national consciousness and values ​​unless the kindergarten children are forced to Look at these delicate rubbish

Japanese people have no spine, otherwise they can use Godzilla to have a good sense of obscenity. For example, in the third world war, Japan hopes to be neutral (Imagine it is too ethical) The United States has forced Japan to join the army and threatened Japan with force or even nuclear weapons. Godzilla, the spiritual patron saint of Godzilla, has awakened again in the deep sea, completely wiped out the US naval armed forces and smashed into the mainland of the United States...anyway, let's open the brain hole here...

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Extended Reading

Godzilla quotes

  • Dr. Ichiro Serizawa: In 1954, the first time that a nuclear submarine ever reached the lower depths, it awakened something.

    Vivienne Graham: The Americans first thought that it was the Russians. The Russians thought that it was them. All those nuclear tests in the '50s...? Not tests.

    Dr. Ichiro Serizawa: They were trying to kill it. Him. An ancient alpha predator.

    Vivienne Graham: Millions of years older than mankind. From an age when the Earth was ten times more radioactive than today. This animals and others like it consumed this radiation as a food source. As the levels on the surface naturally subsided these creatures adapted to live deeper in the oceans. Furter underground. Absorbing radiation from the planet's core. The organization we work for, Monarch, was established in the wake of this discovery. A multinational coalition formed in secrecy to search for him. Study him. Learn everything we could.

    Dr. Ichiro Serizawa: We call him... Gojira.

    Vivienne Graham: The top of the primordial ecosystem. A god, for all intents and purposes.

    Ford Brody: A monster.

  • Admiral William Stenz: This is our needle in a haystack, people. M.U.TO. Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism. It is, however, no longer terrestrial. It is airborne. Now, the world still thinks this was an earthquake and it would be preferable that that remain so. Before we lost sight of it, it was heading East across the Pacific and had emitted enough EMP disruption to create havoc with our radar and satellite feeds and reduce us, for the moment, to a strictly visual pursuit. I emphasize "for the moment," because we will get on our game and we will find this thing. It is imperative that we do so.