On Earth's Strongest Beast

Gussie 2022-04-20 09:01:09

A brilliant decent should have a strong villain as a foil, and if the villain is too useless, the decent will not appear so tall. In this film, MUTO has almost no solution, with thick skin and high armor, high physical output, and full-screen magic damage. I feel that Luye's work is definitely done enough. My immediate reaction at the movie theater was, "It's cool! It's very strong! But why isn't it in the shape of a dinosaur? Uh... well, it seems that he has just been resurrected and hasn't gained muscle yet... so it's not Godzilla." Then such a strong husband and wife team, the stronger one was only mouth-exploded by Godzilla. Mouth explosion is not enough, you must break your mouth, it reminds me of the scene of Brother King Kong's angry fork Tyrannosaurus rex. Could it be that the ultimate pose skill to show male power is it, hahaha.
Then I watched the old wet Godzilla movie review and found that King Kong and Godzilla fought a long time ago. This little secret of breaking the mouth to show the hormones of the most heroic and manly man on earth, I don't know who is stealing from whom. In view of the fact that Godzilla has been immortal in the earth for tens of thousands of years, and has traveled across the ocean from the east to the west. Godzilla stole King Kong.

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Extended Reading
  • Abigail 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    65/100, it's actually not bad. It uses the presentation method of "still holding a pipa half-covered" for Godzilla, using the night and smoke as a veil, and also has an excellent apocalyptic atmosphere, not directly but effectively shaping Godzilla's face. Image, with a certain degree of personification of the mind. Although the whole is still a Hollywood-style routine, it can be seen that the director intends to produce a little thinking and expression. Some human events are superfluous and uninteresting and silly, and if they can be dealt with, it will be very good.

  • Jacklyn 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    I made a boring movie very seriously, and I added one star for Godzilla's unscrupulous spirit of tearing down the CP~!

Godzilla quotes

  • Admiral William Stenz: This is our needle in a haystack, people. M.U.TO. Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism. It is, however, no longer terrestrial. It is airborne. Now, the world still thinks this was an earthquake and it would be preferable that that remain so. Before we lost sight of it, it was heading East across the Pacific and had emitted enough EMP disruption to create havoc with our radar and satellite feeds and reduce us, for the moment, to a strictly visual pursuit. I emphasize "for the moment," because we will get on our game and we will find this thing. It is imperative that we do so.

  • [first lines]

    Boyd: Dr. Serizawa? Jerry Boyd. I'm warning you, it's a mess. It's just a total mess. Monarch set me in this morning. Took a look around but I told them we need you.