Scenes and shots are handled well

Elinore 2022-04-24 07:01:02

I still remember that it was one night. The wild woman hadn't found a job yet. After dinner, she mentioned the recently released film and went straight to the cinema. The VIP hall I chose was a small cinema hall with 14 seats. There were only two of us in this scene. One, I just booked a room, and it was the first time I could speak loudly in a movie theater, which was a great feeling.
Speaking of the film, it is difficult to break through the plot of monsters fighting each other. Tom's World War, these 2 points alone are worth the ticket price. The scheduling of scenes is also very rich, such as nuclear power plants, cities, monster caves, underground subways, and seas, so many scenes further enrich the existence of monsters and are closely related to human life. The camera zooms in when the monster appears, moving the camera in the air until it reaches the monster's head, and then the whole monster appears in a long shot.
I especially like the posters of the movie. The coquettish back once made me infatuated. This is the most handsome back among the monsters.

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Extended Reading
  • Michel 2021-10-20 19:00:52

    Kung Fu Panda is afraid of mentioning the word "Moe" in front of Godzilla! Story 0 points.

  • Arden 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    Humans have built towering buildings and developed weapons of infinite power, but they are helpless in the face of prehistoric beasts. Weapons become food, buildings are vulnerable, and they can only burrow into the underground shelter, and watch the game between giant beasts at the moment when the door is closed. There are also a group of fearless warriors, dragging red smoke like gods, breaking into the battlefield of monsters to save the last home. Destroy the continuous sporophyte of the Muto monster with fire, and complete the revenge between species like Godzilla.

Godzilla quotes

  • Admiral William Stenz: This is our needle in a haystack, people. M.U.TO. Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism. It is, however, no longer terrestrial. It is airborne. Now, the world still thinks this was an earthquake and it would be preferable that that remain so. Before we lost sight of it, it was heading East across the Pacific and had emitted enough EMP disruption to create havoc with our radar and satellite feeds and reduce us, for the moment, to a strictly visual pursuit. I emphasize "for the moment," because we will get on our game and we will find this thing. It is imperative that we do so.

  • [first lines]

    Boyd: Dr. Serizawa? Jerry Boyd. I'm warning you, it's a mess. It's just a total mess. Monarch set me in this morning. Took a look around but I told them we need you.