action movie, cool

Alda 2022-04-19 09:01:13

I've watched a lot of movies recently, and I think this movie is the most refreshing. It
doesn't have too much preaching, ethics education
, and it doesn't have very lofty goals.
Both sides are determined and planned accurately
. As for the final success or failure
, it can probably be summed up in one sentence. What
is there to fear from someone who can shoot himself?

What is the most important thing? Everyone has their own scale
in their hearts. The most fearful thing is that they don’t know what they value the most in their hearts. The most fearful thing
is that they know what they think but dare not act.
Maybe this is the biggest feeling of this film.

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Extended Reading
  • Lexie 2021-10-20 19:00:33

    The fourth scene is good, the crash is very thrilling, but the boss is too weak, don't kill when it is time to kill, a lot of nonsense~

  • Oliver 2022-03-23 09:01:12

    Although the plot is not good, the scene is still hot. As long as there is "the policeman", traditional Hollywood action movies can still be strong!

Live Free or Die Hard quotes

  • John McClane: Come on. Government's gonna have dozens of departments dedicated to that shit!

    Matt Farrell: It took FEMA *five days* to get water to the Superdome.

  • John McClane: How do you know all this stuff?

    Matt Farrell: Dude I don't know. There is a lot rattling around up there. I couldn't tell you.