great animation

Andres 2022-04-23 07:01:13

Among the animation blockbusters in recent years, this film and The Adventures of Tintin are the most surprising masterpieces. Tintin laughs all the way, and King of Destruction not only laughs all the way, but also makes people laugh with tears, especially for hardcore players who have forged an indissoluble bond with video games since the era of red and white machines, watching those interspersed dramas. The familiar pictures of classic games such as Pacman, Street Fighter, Super Mario, etc., the feeling of nostalgia is indescribable.
There are always bad guys in the game. They are always bad guys along the way, but they are cleaned up by the players in the end, but for many games, they are as indispensable as good guys. Not every game has so many lucky protagonists. The existence of supporting characters also means not losing to the protagonist. If you are unfortunate enough to win the bad guy card, then learn the slogan of the Bad Guys Mutual Aid Association and enjoy every level. Four and a half stars, half star for crappy subtitles.

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Extended Reading
  • Hosea 2021-10-20 19:00:43

    Must have watched the best cartoon this year! Hearing the songs of my big village girl group in the movie theater is so powerful!

  • Wayne 2021-10-20 19:00:44

    Even if the overall level of this year's animated film is low, it will not push such a work to the altar.

Wreck-It Ralph quotes

  • King Candy: [to Wreck-It Ralph] Is that a threat I smell? Whooo... beyond the halitosis you so obviously suffer from!

  • King Candy: And if I ever see you here again, Wreck-It Ralph, I'll lock you in my Fungeon!

    Wreck-It Ralph: "Fungeon"?

    King Candy: Fun-Dungeon. It's a play on words. Get it?

    [Ralph stares blankly]

    King Candy: A play on... never mind!