Game sense is the advanced mode of game movies

Chelsey 2022-04-22 07:01:03

The massive game IP and game characters are just appearances, tributes or easter eggs, Spielberg will not take this superficial implantation as the essence of game movies. The switch between fantasy and reality is clear, but this is natural and seamless, and it makes people lose a few times whether it is fantasy or display. This kind of inner feeling will be clear and familiar to people who love games. This is the director's skill. The point is not to add game elements to the movie, but to give the movie a sense of game, which is very advanced, and the ultimate proposition of the game in the silent point: fantasy and reality

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Ready Player One quotes

  • Art3mis: [Repeated line]

    [after helping Wade escape]

    Art3mis: You'll forgive me for this, I promise.

    Parzival: [Before shooting Art3mis so she can escape IOI] You'll forgive me for this, I promise.

  • I-R0k: '... whereas my plan, which was cool because: I rock, actually worked'

    [responding to Sorrento accusing him of failure]