Tropical Shock "Thunder"

Meaghan 2022-10-25 13:09:42

Watching this film has the following pleasures:

1. Guess who is who. Dozens of stars will perform subversive performances. Guess it all and you will hate it. I admit that there is a BOSS-level star that everyone on earth knows. I am watching the final cast list I just found out. The success of the thunder hit me.

2, "Fighting Condor"-like parody and bad taste, but not completely, you can also see a small disclosure of Hollywood production insider and star gossip.

3, I solemnly launch the shocking Chinese in the film. This is the first time I found out that my Chinese listening

ability is worse than that of English listening. Don't believe me? Go try it. That 's where it starts. It's also interesting to see which films are being satirized. The

films have a lot to offer, but we can't ask for too much,

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Extended Reading

Tropic Thunder quotes

  • Kirk Lazarus: Hey, man, you know how in Rambo I, he was big but a little puffy, and then Rambo II, he got all shredded up?

    Tugg Speedman: Yeah.

    Kirk Lazarus: That's kind of how you look right now.

    Tugg Speedman: Yeah?

    Kirk Lazarus: Not Rambo I but II.

    Tugg Speedman: Really?

    Kirk Lazarus: Yeah, when he was cut up.

    Tugg Speedman: I'm not that... I mean, that's what I'm going for, but you know...

    Kirk Lazarus: Come on, dude. You more shredded than a julienne salad, man.

    Tugg Speedman: Thanks.

    Kirk Lazarus: What's the secret, dude?

    Tugg Speedman: It's a diet. I'm just dieting.

    Kirk Lazarus: Really? Cause I'm trying to come up a little, but it's just... It's tough.

    Tugg Speedman: You look good.

    Kirk Lazarus: Any tips?

    Tugg Speedman: What?

    Kirk Lazarus: Any tips, you got?

    Tugg Speedman: There's, like, the pineapple...

    Kirk Lazarus: - Give me that goddamn map!

    [Snatches map from Tugg Speedman]

    Kirk Lazarus: Fuck you!

    Tugg Speedman: Hey!

    Kirk Lazarus: Hey!

  • Tugg Speedman: Look, Kirk, no offense. I know you're the big, fancy actor here, but I've done a lot more effect-driven films than you have and I think I can spot...

    [Picks up Damien's severed head]

    Tugg Speedman: a prop head when I see one!

    [People around him gag]

    Tugg Speedman: It's corn syrup, guys! Corn syrup and latex.

    [Digs his fingers inside the head and gets a taste; gets disgusted look on his face]

    Tugg Speedman: Warm... blood-flavored corn syrup.