There are already signs of decline in the Hollywood film industry

Gerardo 2022-04-22 07:01:03

The film takes the Cold War period as the story background, the theme is loneliness, dumb, gay, spies, water monsters, everyone is an outlier in society and needs a lot of time to get along with themselves. The tone of the film is very rich, and the director will tell the story through the color. The music is also full and dense, a little breathless for the audience. The film once again pays homage to Hollywood in the same way. The film is a sci-fi thriller and bloody, and the second half is even a bit brutal. The plot is coincidental and deliberate. The whole reflects the Hollywood film industry very well: the technology is perfect, the plot is compact, the audio-visual is full, and there is nothing new, so it responds. There are already signs of the decline of the Hollywood film industry.

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Extended Reading
  • Alexys 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Gyro satisfies his selfish desire to make a fan movie for himself, but completely rewrites "Black Lake Demon" with the B-level film thinking of the 50s. Only the intention of the scene can be seen, but the innovation of the plot can not be seen. There are a lot of coincidences in the plot, the rhythm is very problematic, the foreshadowing is not the theme for a long time, the emotional accumulation is weak, it is difficult to resonate, and the confrontation between the back and the opposite angle drags for too long. The tribute to fans is like a collection of cheat sheets, and most of them are quotes from TV programs, which cannot be combined with plot and style.

  • Cade 2021-10-20 19:00:19

    Humph, I caught it at a glance! He is not a mermaid like a song of dew, he is a famous monster in Journey to the West, the inspirational king who turned into a goldfish spirit in Tongtianhe!

The Shape of Water quotes

  • Mihalkov: [in Russian] Kill it. Destroy it.

  • Giles: [interpreting Elisa] I can either save him, or let him die.