too depressed

Corine 2022-04-21 09:01:16

It was a two-hour movie and I watched it in two days. Even so, I am still in that kind of oppression. I am glad that I was not born in Mexico.

The overall tone and soundtrack of the film are top-notch, with a strong sense of graphics, military aesthetics, and the director is too NB, but I am as confused as Kate in the film. Special circumstances require special treatment. And at the end, I still don't quite understand why Kate was chosen for this operation. Is it easy to control?

In general, except that I am confused, everything else is not bad. In the end, when the male protagonist ran to the drug lord's house to take revenge, I didn't want him to let his wife and children go. In terms of human nature, this is not a proof of his inhumanity, because the drug lord's wife and children are not innocent.

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Extended Reading

Sicario quotes

  • Title Card: The word Sicario comes from the zealots of Jerusalem, killers who hunted the Romans who invaded their homeland. In Mexico, Sicario means hitman.

  • Kate Macer: [after an illegal gun battle] What am I doing here?

    Matt: What you're doing here is you're giving us the opportunity to shake the tree and create chaos. That's what this is! In the meantime, just sponge everything up you see. Learn! That's why you're here.