outside world

Demetrius 2022-04-19 09:01:17

A child born in a small room reminds me of the little radish head in elementary school textbooks. Jack was happier than Little Radish, at least he left the room alive.
I have watched three movies about being detained in a room for a long time, including the Korean old boy, the American version of the old boy, and this movie. The room where the mother and son are illegally imprisoned in this movie is full of childlike fun, and has all the necessities of life, and you can make your own cakes. This child has always thought that the world is so big, and everything else is on the TV. He usually exercises and plays with his mother in the room, and he fantasizes that he has a pet dog. When the old Jack came, he was put in the closet by his mother to prevent him from seeing what he should not see. It seemed like everything was normal, and I even thought it was possible that the hostess didn't feel like going back to the outside world again. But old Jack was out of work and couldn't bring them vitamins. At this time, the hostess began to plan to run away. Wanting to make the child pretend to be sick and later to pretend to be dead, Old Jack finally took the child out of the room.
Coming to the real world, the child discovers that everything on TV is real. I saw the police, doctors, blue sky, white clouds. Being so curious and so afraid of everything outside, there is always an unreal feeling. In fact, for this child, when he came out of the room, he was really locked in the room. This world was an unreal room for him, and the room he lived in before was the world he knew. Fortunately, he is still young and has not turned into plastic.
Returning to the real world, the heroine also changed from initial joy to all kinds of discomfort. Her parents divorced, her mother married again, and her father moved to live far away. The home she remembered is no longer there. , she has to face a whole new environment. But she and Jack are different. Jack only has the memory in the room. The room is his world. When he walks out, he will feel uncomfortable and need to work hard to adapt to all this, but all this is so novel. Older children are easier to integrate. But Jack's mother came out of the room into a world that was both familiar and unfamiliar. She knew that there was a bigger world outside the room, but when she came out, she found that her parents had divorced, the ice cream and the hammock were gone, and she was even more uncomfortable and desperate. So instead, she is now desperate for this world. And because he has no illusions about the outside world, little Jack needs him to take care of his mother and help her get out of that room. Finally, Jack cut off his source of power and gave it to his mother, just like the worm tooth that his mother gave him. Help my mother overcome the demons.
Finally, when the two of them returned to the room where they were imprisoned, they were completely out of the shadows. At this time, it was another snowy winter, and when they were rescued by the police from their room, there were snowflakes in the sky. This might be a cycle.

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Extended Reading
  • Tyra 2022-03-21 09:01:13

    Two major advantages: one performance, and two, instead of focusing on the abuse case itself, it raises some intriguing issues, such as difficulty reintegrating into society (using nearly half of the page), and for children, the prison cell loses its boundaries due to innocence, Carrying all the beautiful childhood and so on. Two major tears: the child's eyes for the first time seeing the blue sky, the end of the film saying goodbye to the furniture and the room, and crying madly while holding an ipad on the subway. I don’t think the heroine is too good, because Zheng is so great

  • Colleen 2022-03-17 09:01:02

    The child exploded little plum

Room quotes

  • Jack: Is bad tooth hurting?

    Ma: Mmhmm, but you know mind over matter.

    Jack: If you don't mind, it doesn't matter

    Ma: You're right. Hey do you know what we're gonna do today?

    Jack: What?

    Ma: We're going to bake a birthday cake

    Jack: A birthday cake?

    Ma: Mmhmm

    Jack: Like from TV?

    Ma: Mmhmm, but for real

    Jack: No way!

  • Jack: Grandma?

    Nancy: Yes?

    Jack: I need the scissors.

    Nancy: What for?

    Jack: For cutting my hair.

    Nancy: Do you really want to do that?

    Jack: I want to send it to Ma.

    Nancy: How come?

    Jack: She needs my strong more than me, so I want to send it to her, or you could take it to her?

    Nancy: I could help you, if you'd like?

    Jack: Yes please.