
Emmanuelle 2022-04-21 09:01:12

I watched too many horror films in college, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, and various genres. Basically, I feel that I am immune to this type of film, and it is unlikely that there will be good thrilling films, so I basically don’t watch this type of film. , unless there really is a film with a good reputation. This movie should belong to this category. I heard a lot of comments about this film before, but I didn't mention my interest in watching this film until I saw the trailer for the sequel.
This film has its own uniqueness, unlike most European and American horror films, which are full of dog blood, which makes people nauseated. The apocalyptic scene created in the opening chapter, as well as the emotional and psychological portrayal of the characters are commendable. However, it is still unavoidable. In the later climax, there are still cruel and bloody scenes that are not suitable for children, and the development of some plots is not too different from what I imagined. Compared with the sinister external environment, the most terrifying thing is the person himself. At the same time, the film also seems to convey a concept of environmental protection, cherishing our world, otherwise we may end up homeless. The ending gives people hope that we will not despair of the world.

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Extended Reading
  • Dock 2022-04-23 07:01:09

    The silly virus disaster movie I watched many years ago. "The bustling London was turned into a dead city in just 28 days after members of an animal protection group accidentally released a batch of gorillas carrying the virus in the laboratory." Now it seems that UCD is more powerful), shut down a group of monkeys for virus experiments, and was known by stupid animal protectionists, rushed into the laboratory and released the monkeys. Some people say that some animal advocates just want to destroy the world. In short, those monkeys and their descendants are probably at ease in the empty Love Island. Fortunately, there are few Irish people and no one eats monkeys.

  • Claud 2022-03-23 09:01:11

    This movie tells us that when the end of the world is approaching, it is important to seize the opportunity to do more sex. When the protagonist encounters the YY thoughts of the group of soldiers, he thinks of a joke! After a shipwreck, a female passenger and 10 male passengers floated to a deserted island. A month later, the woman committed suicide because she felt that what happened this month was really disgusting.

28 Days Later... quotes

  • [Corporal Mitchell sees an infected step on a land mine, bouncing onto another land mine]

    Corporal Mitchell: Fucking hell! He bounced!

    Sergeant Farrell: Cease fire!

    Corporal Mitchell: I ain't never seen anything like that in my fuckin' life!

  • [Corporal Mitchell teases Selena after taking her machete from her]

    Corporal Mitchell: [Mitchell holds the machete out from his front crotch] You wanna get your hands on a really big chopper, you just come and see me.

    Selena: Fuck you!

    Corporal Mitchell: How about right now?