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The Message Reviews

  • Watson 2022-04-22 07:01:54

    With the wind of AA, it is also crooked.

    I watched it after reading Paizhuan's article, so the result was unexpectedly good. Why do I think it's good, because this is indeed a very good idol drama. 1. If you really want to compare this with an American drama, it's not as good as it is. American dramas, everyone knows that American dramas...

  • Alberto 2022-04-22 07:01:54

    For "The Sound of the Wind", stand up and applaud

    For "The Wind", stand up and applaud it is not without flaws, not without disappointment, and not perfect, but, I still think, "The Wind" deserves to stand up and applaud it in the cinema, for the domestic film. Gradually upgraded, for Mai Jia's brave but perhaps "thankful" revision of his novel...

  • Melyna 2022-04-22 07:01:54

    I feel the wind

    When I went to see "The Wind", the night was already down, my head was dizzy, and I looked like I was drunk. I don't know why, let me give a spoiler (increase my personal opinion) and say that the commercials accompanying the film are very powerful and a lot . If you just watch the publicity, you...

  • Lane 2022-04-21 09:03:37

    Diverse progress

    Suffering from the fact that the domestic big screen has been occupied by Hollywood for many years, Chinese blockbusters have been imitating the West, and they have also reclaimed half of the country. Even though Dong Shi's frowns are good, it has stimulated consumption and awakened moviegoers. The...

  • Dwight 2022-04-21 09:03:37

    Wind Voice: Seriously live a good life at home

    In fact, the topic that I originally thought of was that the left hand was flashy and aggressive, and the right hand was pretending to be aggressive. But I thought it was better to be kind, so I changed the name     . This is a film with diverse styles. It can be a tribute film, a detective film, a...

  • Milo 2022-04-21 09:03:37

    Talking about the two gift films "The Wind" and "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" (serious spoilers, those who haven't watched it beware)

    "Founding of the People's Republic of China", which was released on the eve of the National Day, became the highest-grossing Chinese-language film in history. Although the praise and criticism were mixed, it was, after all, the best-selling big-budget film this year. Never before have so many stars...

  • Maxwell 2022-04-21 09:03:37

    wind ~ sound

    I left this record in purgatory. I only hope that my family and sister Yu can forgive my decision at this moment, but I firmly believe that you will eventually understand my heart. My dear people, I am so ruthless to you because the nation has come to the end of my life. I can only save my life in...

  • Collin 2022-04-21 09:03:37

    Wind: No one survived in the Chinese version?

    The Sound of the Wind is my favorite domestic movie in recent years.

    The plot twists and ends unexpectedly. Most of the film takes place in a shady villa, which feels a bit like no one has survived. The Japanese and Dogleg communicated with the targeted people in turn, and these people were...

  • Ruthe 2022-04-21 09:03:37

    they are different

    Almost all the actors in this film have subverted the performance!

    Whether it's Li Bingbing, Zhou Xun or Zhang Hanyu and Huang Xiaoming, they feel different from the previous roles! For example, Li Bingbing will be an espionage agent of the Wang puppet government, and wear a military uniform! (The...

  • Salvador 2022-04-21 09:03:37

    Is intelligence more important than life?

    "Is intelligence more important than life?" Li Ningyu asked Gu Xiaomeng.

    Gu Xiaomeng didn't say anything, just cried and said, we don't have time.

    At the moment when the nation is about to collapse, as long as there is a 1 in 10,000 chance to pass on the information, the underground party comrades...