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The Social Dilemma Reviews

  • Brenda 2022-01-03 08:01:47

    Data bias

    I was embarrassed by the increase in the suicide rate of teenage girls in the "documentary". I have been discussing with my family members whether there is any way to slow down to this situation, such as forcing private accounts to increase people's repercussion for what they said, etc.

    But then I...

  • Asa 2022-01-03 08:01:47

    As a data scientist moving bricks in an Internet company, I have something to say

    It’s ironic. When watching this documentary, the product manager’s must-read list-Hooked, was on hand, which talked about how to create a product that everyone is addicted to (speaking of dilemma, the author recently wrote a new book about how Protect your time from being occupied by social media)

  • Clemmie 2022-01-03 08:01:47

    When algorithms are more easily exploited by evil

    Because I work in this industry, I am very sympathetic to many indexes used to measure participation and user stickiness in the film, as well as control experiments. The film is presented in a more lively and interesting way. I like it very much. I am a little uncomfortable with the exaggeration of...

  • Earl 2022-01-03 08:01:47

    I picked up the phone and it was no more than twenty minutes; after swiping the phone for a few days, I became a fool

    "The social dilemma" (Chinese translation "Social Trap") quoted a news report saying that Tristan is considered a barely conscientious person in Silicon Valley. This documentary takes one of his projects as the main line, and talks about the erosion of individual humans and the entire human...

  • Otha 2022-01-03 08:01:47

    Actually we all live in invisible boxes made for ourselves

    I watched the premiere in Sundance 2020. I have to say that this movie gave me another enlightment on the basis of understanding the world and human beings.

    The film records and expresses the artificial intelligence and social media platforms in a documentary way to quietly change the human...

  • Celine 2022-01-03 08:01:47

    Structural issues: capitalism

    "No one is a bad person." The makers of smart traps are like us, living individuals, designing "likes" and "recommendations" with humanitarian expectations, but these designs got out of control during the development process and became The traps are addictive, and even the trap designers themselves...

  • Alysson 2022-01-03 08:01:47

    30 truths about you being sold on social media such as Douyin and Weibo

    Is it weak willpower to not be able to put down the phone? Are Google, Facebook, and bicycles just like tools we use? Are algorithms and technology neutral? Why is fake news invincible? The first film I watched this holiday is Netflix's new documentary "Surveillance Capitalism: Smart Trap". It is...

  • Alfreda 2022-01-03 08:01:47

    What are Internet companies being paid for?

    "For the last ten years, the biggest companies in Silicon Valley have been in the business of selling their users.

  • Orie 2022-01-03 08:01:47

    Confronting Silicon Valley for the 2.7 billion people in "Trumen's World"

    In 2016, Tristan Harris, Google’s internal ethics designer, decided to leave. At this time, he has realized that Internet technology companies such as Facebook, Google (YouTube, Google Search), and Twitter are doing business for business interests. , The use of algorithms to attract addictive...

  • Rowena 2022-01-03 08:01:47

    Social Media, the dilemma between Utopia and Dystopia.

    Social media, on the one hand, is the convenience and connection brought about by technological iterations, and on the other side is the emotional management, attention and self-control of modern people's collapse. When we leave this phone, who are we.

    1. Addiction

    As social animals longing for...