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The Wars to Come Reviews

  • Garth 2022-03-24 09:03:44

    Diversity Updates - Read on after each episode

    1. Jamie and Bolon sneaked into Dorne, ready to rescue Myrcella; they encountered a few Dornish soldiers on the road and destroyed them. At this time, it was reflected that even after Bolon's training, Jamie still did not have and could not return to the fighting power before the cut off. The body...

  • Virgie 2022-03-21 09:03:22

    Winterfell takes five seasons to be named Stark again

    The red viper was killed by the magic mountain because he talked too much. The little devil's duel trial failed, but at night the man with the broken hand released the little devil. Before the little devil left, he strangled his girlfriend on his father's bed, killed Tywin who was sitting on the...

  • Franco 2022-03-21 09:03:22

    just write

    After watching the ending, I can't stand it as always, I have to come and remember

    The people of the Stark family cannot escape the fate of justice and kindness. The shock of Jon Snow's death was no less than the bloody wedding in season three. He also lost to his own justice and fraternity, and...

  • Joaquin 2022-03-21 09:03:22

    Game of Thrones Dies in Season 5, Original Title "Kill Your Inner Child"

    The film review I wrote for Game of Thrones four years ago, four years later, it seems like a curse. The show died in the fifth season, and there are only a few highlights in the following episodes. One is the battle of bastards. , and the second is James' lone cavalry slaying the dragon with a...

  • Sonny 2022-03-21 09:03:22

    hide the sewing needle

    There is a very touching picture.

    In order to fulfill her promise, Aya lost most of Aya Stark's things.

  • Brennan 2022-03-21 09:03:22

    dirty world

    Hard times and dirty worlds. The only awkward thing about watching this drama is that I can't find a point of empathy or a sense of substitution. There is no specific protagonist in each story line. Everyone will die immediately after supporting a plot, and it will die irregularly. Or suffer huge...

  • Major 2022-03-20 09:03:03

    The episodes of season 5 that impressed me

    ①I once thought that Shireen's father was different from her mother. Her father Stannis loved her daughter, even if she was infected with grayscale, but Celis was not worthy of the status of "mother", she did Give Shireen enough, even deserved love, and all I see is her neglect, disappointment, and...

  • Americo 2022-03-15 09:01:11

    "Et tu, Brute?"

    Jon Snow's death is the most tragic episode I've ever seen, even better than a bloody marriage, he's an ancient Greek tragic hero. Jon Snow is literally the best person I've ever seen, he's upright, kind and compassionate, a true Stark, but unlike his brother and father, he's far from the whirlpool...

  • Kaia 2022-03-15 09:01:11

    "A Song of Ice and Fire" Panoramic Dialysis 4: Those Curses That Will Fulfill One Day

    "A Song of Ice and Fire" Panoramic Dialysis 1, please poke: About Westeros "A Song of Ice and Fire" Panoramic Dialysis 2, please poke: Game of Thrones "A Song of Ice and Fire" Panoramic Dialysis 3, please poke: Occurred before the opening of "A Song of Ice and Fire" Panoramic Dialysis 5, please...