Bounce evaluation action
Abby: [as she and Donna observe Buddy through a window] Ummm okay, you know how some guys do that half-rise thing when you come to the table...
Donna: [smiles] Uh-huh...
Abby: Well, he does that. I love that!
Abby: You know, I had a baby in the car.
[Buddy looks around the front seat rather shocked]
Abby: Not this car. No I had this Datsun, remember those? And we were driving to the hospital, and I KNEW I was going to have this baby, and Greg would NOT pull over. So I got it in my head that I was not going to have the baby in the front seat - like it wasn't safe or something - and I started to crawl into the back, and I got this contraction, and POW! I broke his nose with my foot! And he couldn't drive I mean the blood was pouring. So I'm driving and crying... and we got to the hospital, and the entire time I was delivering, I kept thinking "his nose, I ruined his nose!" And he had a perfect nose...