I Am David evaluation action
David: Is that what I look like?
Sophie: To me, yes. That's my impression of you. That's why it's called impressionistic painting. So... What do you see when you look at it.
David: Me.
Sophie: Yes, that's not quite what I meant. You have to look at paintings diffently from the way you look at other things. More closely and see what it says to you.
Sophie: Well... when I look at the boy in that painting, I see a very intelligent, very serious person, and a good person, but - there's something about the eyes and the face that seems lost and sad. But that's as far as I can see, because he doesn't want to let the world see any further.
David: Do you really see all that?
Sophie: [laughs] Yes. Yes, I do.
David: [holding Sopie's cat] She's so soft. And she's vibrating.
Sophie: She's purring, David.