In a quiet town, high school student Arthur Parkinson lives a depressing life. His father, Don, and his mother, Louise, have been quarreling all the year round, making Arthur very afraid of love and marriage since he was a child. At school, Arthur was the trombone player in the orchestra. He had been secretly in love with Laila, a beautiful girl from the same school, but because of the discord between his parents, Arthur had no confidence in his relationship and never dared to talk to Laila. Show your heart.
In his spare time, in order to escape from a family without warmth, Arthur chooses to work in a Chinese restaurant near his home. He also works here as his former nanny Annie. The beautiful and mature Annie also has her own emotional troubles. Husband Glenn has been in love since high school and entered the marriage hall sweetly all the way. However, with the birth of their daughter Sarah, the two have increasingly felt an insurmountable estrangement, and a happy family has been completely broken.
Arthur and Annie, who is much older than him, approached step by step in this frustration, and began a year-long love. Arthur was immersed in Annie's maternal brilliance and could not extricate himself, and Annie was also taboo with Arthur. I feel an unspeakable relief and comfort in the relationship, but this underground relationship will eventually be completely exposed one day. On a cold winter morning, a gunshot suddenly rang out in the town, all secrets were revealed, and the fate of all people involved in this incident was completely changed