Bart Hansard

Bart Hansard

  • Born: 1963-9-12
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Roselyn 2022-09-16 18:39:01

      No matter what form life takes, we must cherish it!

             Of course I had to leave
        I love them too much to
        ruin their happiness
        I didn't know how to be a man in my previous
        life and I don't know how to be a dog in this life
        but now I understand that
        no matter what form life takes,
        we all have to cherish
        it This is my story... 

    • Milton 2022-09-16 17:03:29

      Buddhist movie reincarnation of human and dog

      I like pet-related movies very much. I came across this movie by chance. I didn't expect it to be such an old movie. It was shot in 1995. No wonder the definition of the picture is very low. This is a film about the past and present life of a dog, adapted from James Herb's best-selling novel. After...

    Fluke quotes

    • Thomas P. Johnson: [about his wife and son] I loved them too much to get in the way of their happiness...

    • Rumbo: Hey. Hey! What's going on?

      Young Fluke: I guess I was dreaming.

      Rumbo: You were what?

      Young Fluke: Uh, dreaming. I was seeing pictures inside my head.

      Rumbo: Pictures ain't got no business being inside your head. Next time you just growl and chase 'em away.

      Young Fluke: Rumbo, have you always been a dog?

      Rumbo: What you talkin' about? What else could I have been?

      Young Fluke: I don't know. A human.

      Rumbo: A two-legger? Me?