Chris Weir

Chris Weir

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  • Extended Reading
    • Elroy 2022-03-23 09:02:27

      Beast jungle, where to hide

      In terms of image effects, there is no addition, just like shooting with a handheld camera, and no special close-up shots are added.

          The characters in the film, there are no special emotions, no dramatic performances, no long speeches. It's like you're sitting next to them and watching one...

    • Wyatt 2022-01-02 08:02:25

      Gray movies are heavy but trivial.

      Reminds me of Savage Grace’s boy and the boy in
      Paranoid Park.

      Many things in this world are not directed at me.
      Even if they don’t make some concessions for this, they

      will end up in a long process of choice,
      a process other than life or death. .

      Free from innocent lies and helplessness from sin....Y

    • Collin 2022-03-26 09:01:08

      Without the constraints of human morality, there is only the instinct of animals to resist and revenge. Australian native actors are not well-known, but their performances are wonderful!

    • Gladys 2022-01-02 08:02:25

      This film only gently cuts a corner of society with a knife, calmly showing you the cruelty of crime at the bottom of this civilized world. Is it a human being or an animal? This is the last choice of mankind.

    Animal Kingdom quotes

    • [after the death of Craig]

      Janine Cody: [crying] I'm having trouble trying to find my positive spin. I'm usually very good at it. Usually it's right there, and I can just have it. But I'm having trouble finding it now.

    • [after the death of Craig]

      Leckie: You know what the bush is about? It's about massive trees that have been standing there for thousands of years... and bugs that'll be dead before the minute's out. It's big trees and pissy little bugs. And everything knows its place in the scheme of things. Everything... everything sits in the order somewhere. Things survive because they're strong, and everything reaches an understanding. But not everything survives because it's strong. Some creatures are weak, but they survive because they're being protected by the strong for one reason or another. You may think that, because of the circles you move in or whatever, that you're one of the strong creatures, but you're not, you're one of the weak ones. That's nothing against you, you're just - you're just weak because you're young. But you've survied because you've been protected by the strong. But they're not strong anymore, and they're certainly not able to protect you. We're here because we know who you are and we know what you've done. Now, I know you feel like you're in a tough situation. But you have an out. There's nothing your uncles can do to squirm out of this one; Craig's learned that the hard way. But you're not like them. We can see that, and you know that. Now I know that they're saying to you that talking to me is betraying the family, but they've betrayed *you*. The fact that you're talking to me, the fact that you've been left to deal with us... is all the proof that you need. And you're in danger. Don't be confused about that. I think you know. And I think you know that I can help you. But I can't keep offering. You've gotta decide. You've gotta work out where you fit.

      Joshua 'J' Cody: I don't know why you're telling me all of this.

      Leckie: Yes, you do.