Di Quon

Di Quon

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: "Dark Horse" "Valentine's Day Agent" "Grown Ups"
  • Di Quon is an actor. His main works include "Dark Horse", "Valentine's Day Agent" and " Grown Ups ".
    Extended Reading
    • Coby 2022-03-01 08:01:31

      Ghostly Loop - Internet Viral Marketing

      The Weinstein Company released last year's North American horror film "The Ghostly Loop," Pulse, which was finally drawn in Spain. I said today it's not recommending this movie because I haven't seen it, but their website is not bad: in

      Spanish, it's okay, I don't understand either, let's guess:...i

    • Gillian 2022-03-01 08:01:31

      Internet addiction kills people~

      Someone in the horror movie group recommended this movie, and if you can't find the Japanese version, you can find the American version. In my opinion, two lines are more important, the

      first is from Siegler: "They ("ghosts") will take away your desire to live, and everything will be meaningless to...

    • Mossie 2022-03-01 08:01:31

      Speaking of which, I always expected this to be a horror movie when I saw the poster. . . .

    • Gussie 2022-03-25 09:01:22

      Shit! Only the people of America can do a horror movie remake so boring that it makes you want to sleep. . . . Isn't it Internet addiction or electronic dependence? Believe it or not, the science of CCAV10 can be more terrifying than this movie! Give one star for the sake of the male protagonist

    Pulse quotes

    • Mattie Webber: Just like Josh said, he pulled something through...

      Dexter McCarthy: Pulled ghosts through the Wi-Fi? I just doesn't make any sense.

      Thin Bookish Guy: [adding to their conversation] It makes all the sense in the world. Do you have any idea of the amount of data that's floating out there? The amount of information we just beam into the air? We broadcast to everyone where we are, and we think we're safe? The whole freakin' city is going insane, and we're acting like it's nothing. Well, it's not nothing. It's something we don't understand, and it is coming for us.

      Goth Girl: You're freaking us out, man.

      Thin Bookish Guy: It's the end of the world. That's what it is.

      Goth Girl: Maybe it's the booze in your coffee.

    • Isabell Fuentes: Do you know what dying tastes like? Metal.