Domenico Fortunato

Domenico Fortunato

  • Born: 1964-4-11
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Angelica 2022-04-24 07:01:02

      Shelf of remorse

      I went to watch the premiere of 007 at night, and in the middle of the night, a cold wind blew after I came out of the cinema. It was still freezing cold in Beijing in November, and it finally woke me up, which ended my dizzy two hours. .
          I have had a hero complex since I was a child, and so is...

    • Constantin 2021-10-18 09:30:39

      No matter how many slots, it is also 007

             Tucao about "007: Ghost Party" is really endless. Compared with the previous popular spy films "Ace Agent" and "Mission: Impossible 5: Mysterious Nation", this veteran spy series that has been hit back and forth is indeed facing tremendous pressure and challenge. Therefore, the...

    • Misty 2021-10-20 19:00:58

      Murder husband sleeps his wife, murders father sleeps his daughter

    • Abbie 2022-03-25 09:01:05

      It’s so ugly, it’s ugly, it requires no plot, special effects without special effects, no turning point, and it’s really heartbreaking to see Monica Bellucci's beauty in twilight.

    Spectre quotes

    • James Bond: [Oberhauser shows Madeleine footage of Mr. White committing suicide] No, no, no. Turn it off. Turn it off.

      Oberhauser: This is important.

      James Bond: I said turn it off!

      [a SPECTRE member hits Bond in the leg]

    • Madeleine Swann: I love you...

      Oberhauser: Do those blue eyes still recognize you?

      James Bond: I'd recognize you anywhere.