Extended Reading
  • Alanis 2021-10-18 09:30:39

    How much anticipation, in the end there is only "nostalgia"

      This year there is a model that uses the "nostalgic card" repeatedly, and the "Terminator: Genesis", which is looking for the last backer in China, is a precedent. The film copied many classic shots of "Terminator 1 and 2" directed by Kashen, plus Schwarzenegger, who relied on the old...

  • Mireya 2022-03-21 09:01:13

    What the hell did 007 play

    007 participated in the Mexican Day of the Dead mission alone, taking Mexican beauties all the way to the end. 007 left the beauty and said that I would come back later, but in fact did not come back. 007 destroyed a building, lay on a helicopter with bare hands, alarmed tens of thousands of people...

  • Hollis 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    Britain, specialty French fries, fish and secret agents.

  • Brionna 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    Far worse than the latest Mission: Impossible, the Bond movie is dead

Spectre quotes

  • James Bond: [Oberhauser shows Madeleine footage of Mr. White committing suicide] No, no, no. Turn it off. Turn it off.

    Oberhauser: This is important.

    James Bond: I said turn it off!

    [a SPECTRE member hits Bond in the leg]

  • Madeleine Swann: I love you...

    Oberhauser: Do those blue eyes still recognize you?

    James Bond: I'd recognize you anywhere.