Lucille Browne

Lucille Browne

  • Born: 1876-7-22
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Amparo 2022-04-19 09:03:11


      I just want to say that at the 11th minute and 33rd second of the film, Mr. Jenkins visited the factory.
      When he saw a coin on the ground
      , he bent down and picked it up with his
      left hand. ! !
      Why did Nima's close-up change to his right hand! ! !
      Griffith, you are nakedly despising the IQ of our...

    • Britney 2022-03-21 09:03:24

      The same party fights against differences: a handful of soil is not dry, six feet of loneliness

      This article is in line with the author's recent state of mind, and it can also be said to express my feelings. So, let's start with the movie "Party Dissent". Regarding "Party Dissent", in the previous post "Is Griffith Really a Racist?" It was briefly mentioned in the book, and the basic...

    • Juliana 2022-04-22 07:01:54

      Get rid of the shackles of the era of movie viewing, try to divide first and then total, and combine the total. The grandest failures lead to the biggest industry shifts

    • Jarvis 2022-04-24 07:01:25

      A movie from a century ago! Such a large-scale set and pioneering shooting methods are enough to be eye-popping today...

    Intolerance quotes

    • The Boy: Nothing doing on the good night stuff, I always go inside to see my girls.

    • Intertitle: Our play is made up of four separate stories, laid in different periods of history, each with its own set of characters. Each story shows how hatred and intolerance, through all the ages, have battled against love and charity.