Munjeet Geyer

Munjeet Geyer

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Katrine 2022-10-30 08:52:47

      We're not lesbians, but you are my lovers

      After a winter vacation + a month and a half after school started, I finally finished watching Sex and the city one after another.
      The main line of the relationship between men and women, as the main issue discussed in this play, seems to be still ambiguous and entangled at the end and cannot be...

    • Cesar 2022-10-24 09:55:28

      Haunted (405Ghost Town)

      Steve's bar opens and Miranda is invited to the opening party. Seeing that my former lover has a new life partner, and my career is booming, but my life is still the same, working the same job, living in the same house, and there is no noticeable change, what should I do? The other party...

    Sex and the City quotes

    • Charlotte: I read that if you don't have sex for a year, you can actually become "revirginized".

    • Charlotte: Can you have an affair with your own husband?