Richard Haydn

Richard Haydn

  • Born: 1905-3-10
  • Birthplace: London
  • Height: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
  • Profession: Actor, director
  • Representative Works: The Sound of Music
  • Richard Haydn (March 10, 1905-April 25, 1985), actor and director, major works " The Sound of Music ", " Young Frankenstein ", " The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin ", " Clarence, the Cross-Eyed" Lion ". [1] 
    Extended Reading
    • Harley 2022-06-20 22:50:37

      A person who has not read the original book is confused

      The plot generally understands that a judge who hates evil set up a bureau to gather some criminals who have not been brought to justice on the island, and let them down one by one according to the death method of the nursery rhyme "Ten Indians", and pretended to be innocent and cooperated with the...

    • Lucinda 2022-10-07 01:48:13

      [Film Review] And Then There Were None (1945) 6.7/10

      French filmmaker René Clair's last Hollywood fare during his American exile period (1941-1946, four features made for four different studios), this adaptation of Agatha Christie's well-known murder mystery TEN LITTLE INDIANS, seizes on the novel's intriguing premise, corrals a posse of 10 sinners...

    And Then There Were None quotes

    • Dr. Edward G. Armstrong: Maybe we've been wrong, built up a nightmare out of imagination.

      Judge Francis J. Quinncannon: Two people dead isn't imagination.

    • Dr. Edward G. Armstrong: We all build islands of imagination. Represents escape. Half of my patients are sick because they're trying to escape reality.

      Judge Francis J. Quinncannon: Well, and what's your answer?

      Dr. Edward G. Armstrong: Oh, I tell them fairytales. I build them islands of imagined security.

      Judge Francis J. Quinncannon: Don't you believe in medicine, Doctor?

      Dr. Edward G. Armstrong: Do you believe in justice, Judge?