Steve Barnett

Steve Barnett

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 9½" (1.77 m)
  • Profession: director
  • Steve Barnett is an assistant director and assistant director. His main works include "Overhead" and "Conspiracy".
    Extended Reading
    • Effie 2022-04-21 09:01:40

      King Arthur: Battle of the Beasts

      The story of Shi Zhongjian was probably first known in the Taiwan idol comedy "Ultimate Class 1", and then naturally I gradually learned about it.
      Although this story does not have much editability, everyone is familiar with the story, but in the movie, I have not really seen a movie about King...

    • Oran 2022-03-24 09:01:33

      God editing, talent should not be used on such a theme

      Guy Ritchie can flexibly switch between slow motion, fast editing, and normal speed editing, coupled with strong drum beats, which brings the dull and old-fashioned plot to life.

      For example, in the black-and-white battle at the beginning, slow motion was used. When Arthur grew up, fast motion was...

    • Carolyn 2022-03-23 09:01:35

      Possibly the best British film I've seen on screen in recent years? Shakespearean tragedy under the aesthetic system of the 21st century, and the eternal human propositions of loyalty, bravery, betrayal, ambition and love. Who can resist the beauty of the Scottish Highlands, the British QAF reunion, impeccable costume set music editing, and Freddie Fox with short blond hair? !

    • Kayleigh 2021-11-25 08:01:21

      I have a big sword that is 40 meters long. I allow you to run 39 meters first.

    King Arthur: Legend of the Sword quotes

    • Vortigern: When people fear you... I mean, really fear you... it is the most intoxicating sensation a man can possess.

    • The Mage: You're no longer a myth. You're starting to mean something.