Tess Amorim

Tess Amorim

  • Born: 1994-7-12
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Allison 2022-09-18 15:51:09

      pure white love

      This little short video made my heart skip a beat.
      Young, ignorant, shy, but the most beautiful, like pure white, beautiful and attractive.
      The invisible boy made me feel a little sorry, what a good boy, but I was immediately attracted by the next plot.
      When he pulled him from the left to the...

    • Ashleigh 2022-07-15 19:05:54

      A heart palpitations, haunting

      Pure love, I heard his voice when we first met. It's very special, and I don't care too much. When everyone else was laughing at the sound of my typewriter wrapping lines, there was no his. I noticed him. I asked the companion, is he good-looking, am I good-looking? I started to care about the...