Vernon Campbell

Vernon Campbell

  • Born: 1961-4-4
  • Height: 6' 3" (1.91 m)
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: 12 monkeys
  • Vernon Campbell is an actor, his representative works include " Phil Spector " and so on.
    Extended Reading
    • Vito 2022-12-14 08:29:41

      Deconstructing Woody A.

      Every artistic creation conveys the truth about its creator. At this point Woody is not afraid to present the world what he really is and I truly admire his courage and his brilliance. In this film, he expresses his frustration about life, about himself. The protagonist was a serial wife-cheater...

    • Lola 2022-12-13 14:36:05

      Deconstructing Love Mania: The Self-Cultivation of a Needy Scumbag

      lives consist of how we choose to distort it.

      The male protagonist, Harry, has a rambunctious character, constant love affairs, and a chaotic and absurd life. He went through three marriages successively, during which he showed mercy everywhere, found prostitutes to vent his desires, slept with his...

    Deconstructing Harry quotes

    • Harry Block: [after sex] Cookie, you're a definite artist. They should put your lips in the Smithsonian.

    • Fay: You love baseball.

      Harry Block: Baseball's easy because it has rules. It has foul lines.