Walter de Winter

Walter de Winter

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 9¾" (1.77 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Anya 2022-03-23 09:03:02

      Hidden Life | Xanadu

    • Clarissa 2022-01-15 08:03:12

      Some thoughts and analysis on A Hidden Life

      This is a very special work and Malick’s most ideal work. Its core motif is the original goodness of human nature (from a certain point of view, it returns to what was discussed in his earliest work Badlands In the second half of A Hiden Life, we saw the Nazi officer escorting the actor playing...

    • Mervin 2022-03-26 09:01:11

      I am not such a person. It reminds me of Bruno and Copernicus. Bruno would rather be burnt to death to defend the truth he identified. Copernicus was more than a chicken thief (seemingly derogatory and praised), and chose to publish his heliocentric theory after his death. I am afraid of death, if I can choose, I will choose to be Copernicus.

    • Alyson 2022-03-19 09:01:08

      C / Malik's lens always seems to be fluid, soft, and constantly penetrating the horizontal sides of the painting. Therefore, even when depicting the characters at the most painful and oppressed moments, he also gives them extended respite with the divinity of images. However, the creation of this kind of space has never escaped the risk of homogenization and lyricism. The most breathtaking things in this film are the moments when a vertical viewpoint is constructed: the prison is truly inevitable, and the sky is no longer broad and only the question of faith is left. In a world where everything is trying to connect seamlessly, occasional breaks are more needed-just like Franz was the break site of that era.

    A Hidden Life quotes

    • Franz Jägerstätter: I don't know everything. A man may do wrong, and he can't get out of it to make his life clear. Maybe he'd like to go back, but he can't. But I have this feeling inside me, that I can't do what I believe is wrong.

      Judge Lueben: Do you have a right to do this?

      Franz Jägerstätter: Do I have a right not to?

    • Fr. Fürthauer: God doesn't care what you say. Only what's in your heart