William Samples

William Samples

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  • Extended Reading
    • Francisco 2022-04-23 07:05:30

      Beautiful, cold, distinctive bellflowers and some after-thoughts

      In the 12th episode, Mayu, a little girl who lost her life in the fire with resentment and jealousy, wandered and lost in the world and gradually became a little evil spirit and a grievance. . . Finally, I put on the kimono made by my mother and said goodbye to my mother with a smile. Seeing this,...

    • Montana 2022-04-24 07:01:25

      For the floating nursery rhyme of Bailing Mountain

      What shocked me the most in the whole work was the road to redemption of Bailing Mountain. It can be said that the encounter and staring at Bailing Mountain between Kikyo and Bai Xin has sublimated the core and depth of the whole work. Clean is dirty, dirty is clean. Good is evil, and evil is good....

    • Paris 2022-03-18 08:01:01

      Very nice animation, I have watched it countless times. My favorite is the Killing Palace~

    • Jewell 2022-03-24 09:03:51

      I just remember Kikyo, another high school girl who forgot her name...

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    Inuyasha quotes

    • Inuyasha: [Kagome is climbing up the spiders web, trying to save a poisoned Inuyasha] Kagome... save yourself.

      Kagome: No chance.

      Inuyasha: I'm serious, it's to late for me!

      Kagome: I'm not leave here with you! No way!

      [she jumps at Inuyasha, holding his sword, tears in her eyes]

      Inuyasha: [Inuyasha sees the tears] Huh?

    • Kagome: [Inuyasha has been poisoned and is unconscious] He's dripping with sweat.

      [wipes away the sweat from Inuyasha's face. He opens his eyes]

      Kagome: Sorry. I didn't wake you up, did I?

      Inuyasha: No. Kagome?

      Kagome: What is it?

      Inuyasha: Tell me something. Why were you crying?

      Kagome: Back in the other room? Because, I thought I was going to lose you. I thought you were going to... die.

      Inuyasha: You shed tears for me. Cried for me. Kagome, if it's not to much trouble, can I lay in your lap?

      Kagome: Huh? Uh-huh.

      [she lets Inuyasha lay his head on her lap]

      Kagome: How are you feeling? A little better than before?

      Inuyasha: [Inuyasha is completely out of it] Yes. Kagome, you smell kinda nice.

      Kagome: Okay, that's it. you made a point of telling me before than you couldn't stand my scent.

      Inuyasha: I did.

      [he turns his face toward Kagome's stomach]

      Inuyasha: But I was lying.

      Kagome: [thinking] Maybe the poison really has gone to his head. Yet, all this talk has my heart pounding.

      [out loud]

      Kagome: Okay, now I'm confused...

      [notices that Inuyasha has passed out again]

      Kagome: He's asleep!