Chicken Run Comments

  • Jacklyn 2022-04-20 09:01:20

    Can't remember actually. . . ....

  • Telly 2022-04-20 09:01:20

    Super hilarious cartoon, still very labor-intensive clay method shooting, pay high respect to the...

  • Helen 2022-04-20 09:01:20

    The few non-Japanese animations I watched as a...

  • Renee 2022-04-20 09:01:20

    Marxism, Feminism, Vegetarian Revolution under Industrial Mechanization! Combined with Jack Halberstam and Tim Morton, children's animation can be the most rebellious and most queer...

  • Jedidiah 2022-04-20 09:01:20

    Personally, I like clay animation very much, starting from "Super Invincible Door Dog". After watching it, I felt that I like "Chicken Run" is not just love Wu and...

  • Marcellus 2022-04-20 09:01:20

    So beautiful, so beautiful =...

  • Trevion 2022-03-22 09:01:23

    Good job, little Ginger! Nick Park's charters alway have very close eyes, so Fuller don't laugh at the yankees please, just the pot calling the kettle...

  • Trever 2022-03-22 09:01:23

    The fences aren't just round the farm. They're up here in your...

  • Rico 2022-03-22 09:01:23

    I heard about it when I was a kid, but only recently watched it. The chicks are so...

  • Billie 2022-03-22 09:01:23

    Then there were a lot of people in junior high and high school shouting "run! chicken run!" behind...

Extended Reading
  • Maximillian 2022-01-01 08:01:08

    Little chicken run

    British cartoons, the characters are made of clay, the shape is very peculiar. I don't like bloated and stupid hens, and treacherous and greedy humans.
     The story takes place on a farm in Yorkshire, England. A large group of chickens are locked in cages to lay eggs. Those who cannot lay eggs will...

  • Derek 2022-01-01 08:01:08

    Clay animation??

    A tragedy of slaves is unfolding in a chicken farm called Tweedy in England. The owner of the chicken farm, Mrs. Tweedy, was insatiable and wanted to let the hens lay more eggs, while Mr. Tweedy took two wolfhounds to monitor the hens' every move all day long. If there are fewer eggs laid by the...

Chicken Run quotes

  • Rocky: You see, flying takes three things: Hard work, perseverance and... hard work.

    Fowler: You said hard work twice!

    Rocky: That's because it takes twice as much work as perseverance.

  • Mr. Tweedy: What is it?

    Mrs. Tweedy: It's a pie machine, you idiot. Chickens go in, pies come out.

    Mr. Tweedy: Ooh. What kind of pies?

    Mrs. Tweedy: Apple.

    Mr. Tweedy: My favourite!

    Mrs. Tweedy: Chicken pies, you great lummox! Imagine. In less than a fortnight, every grocers' in the county will be stocked with box upon box of Mrs. Tweedy's Homemade Chicken Pies.

    Mr. Tweedy: Just "Mrs."?

    Mrs. Tweedy: Woman's touch. Makes the public feel more comfortable.