King Kong Comments

  • Virginia 2022-03-24 09:01:12

    People are not as good as orangutans,...

  • Carli 2022-03-23 09:01:12

    In fact, it's an orangutan...

  • Kamryn 2022-03-23 09:01:12

    The audience can indeed eat whole grains! !...

  • Eugenia 2022-03-23 09:01:12

    Mainly very lengthy and there is no shortage of places to pay tribute to the old version. Several actors are well...

  • Jordy 2022-03-23 09:01:12

    The first half of this well-made classical adventure film in less than 20 years later in Hollywood has become an absolute hit; the second half of the story of Beauty and the Beast, which now seems to be outdated, just depends on Naomi Watts. The screen charm and Andy Serkis' ground-breaking motion capture acting is convincing, and of course James Newton Howard's soundtrack also contributed. It’s very interesting that this edition has already cue "Heart of Darkness", while the 17 edition...

  • Shanie 2022-03-22 09:01:10

    As a science fiction movie, the story is indeed very novel! But as a romantic movie, it's just a story about Mary Su-Domineering King Kong fell in love with me! Although the story is old-fashioned, the special effects also pay special attention to details! None of King Kong's expressions are vivid! And human beings only think of benefits! King Kong battled the dinosaurs for the heroine and flew planes on the pyramid! Expose the dark side of human nature! In the end King Kong left and was picked...

  • Emil 2022-03-22 09:01:10

    The plot is not simple and rude, it tells a complete story, although some places need to be scrutinized; the foreshadowing is too long, the King Kong comes out too late, and the whole film is also long; the fighting special effects are good. The small moves are cute but the facial expressions are not vivid; the feelings of King Kong The origin of it may be that it was lonely for too long and someone made it happy, but I still felt that it was too bloody to be...

  • Rhoda 2022-03-22 09:01:10

    Because King Kong 2 is going to be released, King Kong's customers were specially added to it. It was very shocking to see it because of the innocent and undisguised beauty of King...

  • Patricia 2022-03-22 09:01:10

    Ah, the ending is so...

  • Merl 2022-03-22 09:01:10

    The shaping beyond spectacles and monsters attracted me more: New York in the 1930s was so bizarre, and only the great ambitions of the Great Depression could match the eighth wonder of the world; therefore, King Kong was just a centralized externalization of multiple human...

Extended Reading
  • Misty 2022-04-21 09:01:12

    I can't believe this is what love looks like

    The film in 2005 was not seen by me until 12 years later, and I couldn’t help but sigh that the technology of American films, although more than ten years have passed, has never felt backward; the sense of age at the beginning of the film is exactly what I like and period of curiosity.

  • Stacy 2021-10-18 09:29:16

    King Kong is a child

    Wen: When I was a child in the rain in November, I watched a movie called "Lost World" ("The Land Forgotten by Time"), about a submarine that lost its way in Antarctica and entered a world after breaking through a fog. An isolated prehistoric island, the island is full of reptiles from the...

King Kong quotes

  • Carl Denham: God damn it, Preston, all you had to do was look her in the eye and lie!

  • Carl Denham: I'm finished.

    Jack Driscoll: How did you think this would end, Carl?