Monsieur Hulot's Holiday Comments

  • Jeffrey 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    Jacques Tati's first Hulot comedy 1. Nearly silent comedy & group comedy, Mr. Hulot, who is graceful and shy but clumsy and mechanical, is not the only source of comic effect. 2. Body-based sitcoms, most of the jokes are closely related to the extension of human movements or limbs (ie, various tools, such as cars, boats, rackets, towel bars, crutches, shoe spikes bitten by fox fur, etc.). 3. The out-of-tune loudspeaker of the train station is just an example. Most of the time, the words in the...

  • Major 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    The performance that is almost pantomime, but through various sound effects, the comedy effect has reached a level that no number of slapstick films have...

  • Einar 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    Bazin pointed out that Tati's use of sound is "destroying clarity with clarity", and the sudden noise interrupts the ideal holiday atmosphere. A middle-class life that breaks the rules, but if you listen carefully, no dialogue is important, just like no rules are important, Bazin sees that only Hulot is dealing with time, those accidents, out of control and chaos, all kinds of irrelevant details , it is precisely these that make this holiday special. If we're really in Sisyphus' situation, then...

  • Shanny 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    Terry Jones says it's a rare and beautiful...

Extended Reading
  • Angelo 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    Mr. Hulot's holiday

    Three and a half. A leisurely vacation, but the people around him don't seem to be so leisurely. He has to listen to the bell for dinner, go to sleep after the broadcast, and businessmen who keep calling and keeping an eye on stocks. However, Mr. Hulot interspersed in it, shy and polite,...

  • Napoleon 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    On "Mr. Hulot's Holiday" and the genre of comedy

    some data collection

    Bazin, M. Hulot and Time:

    For Mr. Luo, there is no "plot" at all, because a story requires meaning, a direction of progression from cause to effect, a beginning and an end. On the contrary, "Mr. Hulot's Holiday" can only be a concatenation of time that is related to each other in...

Monsieur Hulot's Holiday quotes

  • Fashionable Male Youth #1: [to Martine] What about my place? I have a sensational record by Billie Holiday.

    Fashionable Male Youth #2: I prefer the Duke.

    Fashionable Male Youth #3: What about Fats Waller?

    Fashionable Male Youth #1: [Offering a cigarette to Martine] A king-size?

    Fashionable Male Youth #2: Perhaps you'd prefer mine?

  • The Young Intellectual: Mademoiselle, please. Are you familiar with Bertrand's essay? It's particularly relevant for women protesting bourgeois decadence. Even a housewife...

    Martine: Sorry.

    The Young Intellectual: Must be socially and politically aware.